Corrigenda to the edition and project publications on Codex Zacynthius

The Codex Zacynthius Digital Edition was launched on the Cambridge Digital Library in September 2020, following a 24-month project funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. In addition, the project published two books: a volume of studies (Codex Zacynthius: Catena, Palimpsest, Lectionary) and a printed edition and translation (The Palimpsest Catena of Codex Zacynthius: Text and Translation).

Since the appearance of these publications, several colleagues have been kind enough to draw our attention to errors and oversights. We hope that, at a future point, it will be possible to integrate these into the online resources, but for the time being, they are listed here. Our thanks go to Dr Roger Easton, Dr Gianmario Cattaneo and Andy Patton for their detailed and helpful feedback.


Fol. IIIr. Before the rubricated ευαγγελιον in the middle of the page, the section numbers α and β occur with overlines in black ink.

Fol. XIIIv. Extract 060-1: for [του κοσ]μου σρς ("the Saviour of the world"), read γεννασθαι [του κοι]νου σρς ("the common Saviour"),

Fol. XVr. Extract 072-2: for απο αριθ(μων) ("On Numbers"), read απο λο(γου) ριε ("Sermon 115").

Fol. XVIIIv. Extract 081-2: εν υπακοη should be translated as "in a Hymn". The reference CPG 7058 should now read CPG 7072.


no corrections yet reported


p. xiii. Damianos Kasotakis is a member of EMEL, not the Hamburg Centre.

p. 10. "as well as X-ray": delete.

p. 10. "The camera was a MegaVision E7, with an Apo-Digitar M26 lens:" replace with "The camera was a MegaVision E7, with a lens of 120mm focal length that is corrected to maintain sharp focus for wavelengths from 365 nanometers (ultraviolet region of the spectrum) through visible light to 1100nm (infrared region):"

p. 10. "combining all of the wavelengths" replace with "combining all of the visible wavelengths".

p. 78. Extract 072-2: for απο αριθ(μων) ("On Numbers"), read απο λο(γου) ριε ("Sermon 115").

p. 79. Extract 078-1a. For "onn" read "on".

p. 99. Table 6.1. The total of unidentified unpublished scholia should be 5, not 12.

p. 102. Final paragraph: for ὁ Κύριος read Θεοτόκος.

p. 103. Lines 4-5: for ὁ Κύριος read Θεοτόκος.

p. 115. See the corrections to Fol. XVr and XVIIIv of the undertext above.

p. 116. εν υπακοη should be translated as "in a Hymn".

p. 128. "There is reference to a commentary on the Book of Numbers." Delete this sentence.

p. 161. Extract 072-2: for απο αριθ(μων) ("On Numbers"), read απο λο(γου) ριε ("Sermon 115").


p. ix. Damianos Kasotakis is a member of EMEL, not the Hamburg Centre.

p. 7. "as well as X-ray": delete.

Fol. IIIr. Before the rubricated ευαγγελιον in the middle of the page, the section numbers α and β occur with overlines in black ink.

Fol. XIIIv. Extract 060-1: for [του κοσ]μου σρς ("the Saviour of the world"), read γεννασθαι [του κοι]νου σρς ("the common Saviour"),

Fol. XVr. Extract 072-2: for απο αριθ(μων) ("On Numbers"), read απο λο(γου) ριε ("Sermon 115").

Fol. XVIIIv. Extract 081-2: εν υπακοη should be translated as "in a Hymn".