Hardback edition corrections

Post date: Mar 8, 2019 1:18:04 PM

[Originally posted 4 Oct 2018]

A number of scholars brought my attention to errors in the hardback edition. These have been incorporated in the paperback edition printed in October 2018, but this page notes the adjustments to be made to the hardback edition. Thanks to Lukas J. Dorfbauer, J.K. Elliott, Michael W. Holmes, Drew Hartzell, Adam Dunning, Alan Taylor Farnes and Anna Persig for bringing some of them to my attention. Links to manuscript images added in the paperback edition are also noted below.

Subsequent corrections and additions are noted on the Corrections and additions to the Paperback edition (which will also need to be made to the hardback edition).


p. 10. praessura ] pressura.

p. 12, line 28. Luke 1:9 ] Luke 1:29.

p. 19. poet ] writer.

p. 24. at the request of Constantius, emperor from 337 to 361 ] when Constantius was emperor (from 337–361),

p. 28. "a separate recension around one-third longer than the standard text": this figure is much too high; the recension is normally described as 6.5 to 8% longer.

p. 28, line 20. 7:52 ] 7:53

p. 39. disassociate ] dissociate.

p. 40, line 2. For PEL Gal 5.14, read PEL Gal 4.15.

p. 54. "may be identical with the author of an incomplete commentary on Matthew": this is no longer believed to be the case.

p. 55. Delete closing parenthesis before reference to note 31.

p. 61. Arnobius the Younger's existence is now considered dubious: the expositions attributed to him treated the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John.

p. 63. Epiphanius Latinus is a phantom; the Interpretatio Euangeliorum is a compilation probably assembled in Italy in the seventh century.

p. 65. Despite the entry in Gryson 2007, the anonymous commentary known as Pseudo-Theophilus probably originated in northern Italy in the seventh century, and may not have used all the sources mentioned.

p. 67 and 160. There remain doubts over the attribution of PS-HI Mc to CU-D, most recently expressed in the edition by Cahill (CCSL 82).

p. 81. The 'Ada Group' may not all have been written in Aachen.

p. 82, note 31. It may be useful to know that the Alcuin Bible mentioned here (Rome, St Paolo fuori le mura, Φp) is sometimes referred to as the Codex Paulinus (abbreviated paul).

p. 85. Theodulf was a refugee from his native Spain.

p. 88. bibliotheca can also mean "full Bible".

p. 90, line 1. most of which dates ] the majority of which date.

p. 91. Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel is now thought to have come from Spain or Southern France: it is not clear that he worked for Charlemagne or founded the eponymous monastery. See further Fidel Rädle (1974), Studien zu Smaragd von Saint-Mihiel.

p. 93, line 8. Paul ] Prosper.

p. 102, line 5. ''Unusually for an Insular text it is written in Caroline minuscule." In fact, Breton scriptoria used Caroline minuscule from the middle of the ninth century: see Deuffic 1986 in the list of additions to the bibliography.

p. 106. correctoriones ] correctiones.

p. 127, line 18. According to Spanish practice the reference should be to 'Ayuso' rather than 'Marazuela'

p. 129, last line of paragraph 1. The full stop should come within the inverted commas: forms unique to the Clementine Vulgate are thus all indicated by 'c.'

p. 135, line 24. Abbott ] Abbot .

p. 162, line 13. ὠνείδας ] ὠνείδισας .

p. 168. Arator's exegesis of Acts is a long hexameter poem.

p. 176, line 4. Ch,ristus ] Christus.

p. 190. Alemannic minuscule was practised in modern Switzerland and around the region of Lake Constance (the Bodensee).

p. 225. VL 28: the contents of this manuscript are Matthew 1:18–2:7, 4:24–5:29, 13:7–14:1, 16:13–18:31, 19:26–26:18, 26:45–27:58; Mark 1:1–3:23, 4:19–5:36, 6:36–16:20; Luke 1:13–2:15, 3:8–6:39, 7:11–11:54, 12:45–14:18, 15:25–16:15, 17:7–19:10, 19:38–22:35, 22:59–23:14; John 5:12–6:25, 8:7–10:3. It is not cited in Jülicher's Itala and is written in insular minuscule script.

p. 236. Update the link for images of VL 57 to: http://bhnumerique.ville-selestat.fr/client/fr_FR/search/asset/4894

p. 244, line 5. "VL 76 may have been the exemplar for VL 83." This suggestion is discounted by the observation that VL 83 is based on the pagination of VL 75 and not VL 76.

p. 246, line 34. "or VL 76": as noted above with regard to p. 244, this is incorrect.

p. 248. Update the link for images of VL 87 to: http://bhnumerique.ville-selestat.fr/client/fr_FR/search/asset/4895

p. 268 VgOe E. The page size is 30.5 x 22.0 cm; the text block is 22.0 x 14.0 mm.

p. 269 VgO H. The manuscript is sometimes written in sense lines, e.g. for the genealogies, and also has decorated canon tables on foll. 198-201.

p. 276. The link for images of the Rushworth Gospels should read: <http://bodley30.bodley.ox.ac.uk:8180/luna/servlet/view/search/what/MS.%20Auct.%20D.%202.%2019>

p. 278 VgOa U. The text block of the manuscript is 16 x 11 cm.

p. 278. The shelfmark for VgOW is Royal MS 1 B XII and its page size is 30.5 x 20.5 cm.

p. 279. Royal 1.B.VII ] Royal MS 1 B VII

p. 292. Royal I.B.12 ] Royal MS 1 B XII

p. 295. Cotton Tiberius B.V, fol. 26. ] Cotton Tiberius B.V/1, fol. 76.

p. 298 (Andrist) Ohms ] Olms.

p. 308. De Bruyne 1920b is an erroneous duplication of Cavellera (1920) and should be deleted.

p. 318 (Haelewyck 1999, 2003) Zebre ] le Zèbre.

p. 318 (Haelewyck 2005) Universitaire ] Université.

p. 319. Harrison's PhD dissertation was at the University of Pennsylvania, although it is printed by University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


(For images noted after October 2018, visit the images page)

VL 14 (Codex Usserianus 1). High resolution colour images as part of the Early Irish Manuscripts Project (uploaded October 2016) at: http://digitalcollections.tcd.ie/home/index.php?folder_id=1685&pidtopage=MS55_001&entry_point=1

VL 15 (Codex Aureus Holmiensis). The manuscript is available with colour images online at https://archive.org/details/urn-nbn-se-kb-digark-4890092 , with a single PDF of 393 images at the Kungliga Bibliotheket (1.5GB) at http://weburn.kb.se/metadata/520/hs_14860520.htm.

VL 19 (Fragmentum Bernense). Available online at http://e-codices.unifr.ch/en/bbb/0611/143r/.

VL 19A (Durham Fragments). Images released as part of the Durham Priory project at https://iiif.durham.ac.uk/index.html?manifest=t1m8g84mm26d (A.II.10) , https://iiif.durham.ac.uk/index.html?manifest=t2mqj72p7126 (C.III.13), https://iiif.durham.ac.uk/index.html?manifest=t2mrr171x265 (C.III.20).

VL 28 (The Garland of Howth, Codex Usserianus 2). High resolution colour images as part of the Early Irish Manuscripts Project (uploaded February 2016) at: http://digitalcollections.tcd.ie/home/index.php?folder_id=1647&pidtopage=MS56_009&entry_point=9

VL 35 (The Book of Mulling: Dublin, TCD 60). High resolution colour images as part of the Early Irish Manuscripts Project (uploaded March 2016) at: http://digitalcollections.tcd.ie/home/index.php?folder_id=1648&pidtopage=MS60_001&entry_point=1; single PDF at http://digitalcollections.tcd.ie/content/1648/pdf/1648.pdf.

VL 50 (The Laudian Acts). Available in the new Bodleian Digital Portal at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/55b2e494-4845-403e-9ba6-d812bda79329.

VL 55 (The Fleury Palimpsest). Colour images are now available from the Bibliothèque nationale de France (uploaded August 2015) to supplement the back and white ones listed in the book: http://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b105154335/f233.image

VL 57 (Sélestat Lectionary). In November 2017, the URLs in the book had been moved, but in August 2018 they were working again. In addition, a PDF may be found at: http://bhnumerique.ville-selestat.fr/client/fr_FR/search/asset/4894

VL 64 (Freising Fragments). Digitized microfilm now available from the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (MDZ): http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/0011/bsb00110737/images/index.html

VL 65 (Codex Harleianus). Full digitization at http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?ref=harley_ms_1772_f001r.

VL 84 (List of lections). Colour images are now available from the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana website (April 2017): http://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Reg.lat.9

VL 87 (Sélestat Lectionary). In November 2017, the URLs in the book had been moved, but in August 2018 they were working again. In addition, a PDF may be found at: http://bhnumerique.ville-selestat.fr/client/fr_FR/search/asset/4895

VL 259 (London, British Library, MS Add. 30844). Full digitization (August 2016) at: https://bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Add_MS_30844

VgSp R (Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Regin. lat. 9). Colour images are now available from the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana website (April 2017): http://digi.vatlib.it/view/MSS_Reg.lat.9

VgS ΦΒ (Bamberg, Staatliche Bibliothek, Msc. Bibl. 1): permalink at: https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bvb:12-sbb00000032-1

VgOe E (Gospels of Marmoutier). Full digitization at http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Egerton_MS_609

VgOp E (London, BL. Cotton Vitellius C. VIII). Full digitization at http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?ref=cotton_ms_vitellius_c_viii_f086r

VgO H (Codex Hubertianus). Full digitisation at http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?ref=add_ms_24142

VgOe L (Lichfield, Cathedral Library, 'St Chad Gospels'). New website with Creative Commons released in November 2016 at https://lichfield.ou.edu; the images are at https://lichfield.ou.edu/st-chad-gospels/gallery

VgOa M (Codex Monacensis). Digitized microfilm at http://daten.digitale-sammlungen.de/0011/bsb00115033/images/

VgOe R (Rushworth/MacRegol Gospels). Available in the new Bodleian Digital Portal at https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/inquire/p/b708f563-b804-42b5-bd0f-2826dfaeb5cc.

VgOp S (Cambridge, Trinity College, B.10.5). The link for the full-screen digitisation is: http://trin-sites-pub.trin.cam.ac.uk/manuscripts/B_10_5/manuscript.php?fullpage=1

VgOe U (Utrecht, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit, 32). Online edition and images of the gospel fragments at the end of the psalter: http://psalter.library.uu.nl/page?p=194

VgO Δ (Codex Dunelmensis). Images released as part of the Durham Priory project at https://iiif.durham.ac.uk/index.html?manifest=t2mqj72p7126.

Appendix 3

Augsburg, Universitätsbibliothek, 1.2.4o.2 (Maihingen Gospels, Harburg Gospels): http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:384-uba003083-1

Autun, Bibliothèque municipale, 3 (Gundohinus Gospels), now fully digitized: https://bvmm.irht.cnrs.fr/consult/consult.php?reproductionId=21554

London, British Library, Cotton MS Tiberius B V/1: http://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/Viewer.aspx?ref=cotton_ms_tiberius_b_v!1_f076r

Book of Dimma (Dublin, TCD 60). High resolution colour images as part of the Early Irish Manuscripts Project (uploaded April 2016) at: http://digitalcollections.tcd.ie/home/index.php?folder_id=1659&pidtopage=MS59_001&entry_point=1

Missale Silense (London, BL, MS Add. 30845): Full digitization (August 2016) at: https://bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Add_MS_30845

Maaseyck Gospels (Maaseik, Sint-Catharina Kerk: 'Codex Eyckensis'): http://toerisme.maaseik.be/codex-eyckensis (uploaded December 2015).

Missale Bobiense (Paris, BnF, latin 13246): https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b550103970