
Giant Orange Pod Sighted on Grays Lake - Not from Outer Space

On September 23, 2012 the buzz about a giant orange object out on Grays Lake was reaching a crescendo Theory after theory was proposed as to their source and function. Visible from every angle, folks wondered if they were some kind of device to feed weed control chemicals. Or was it a space pod from outer space? The "fly in the soup" turned out to be a buoy used by swimmers preparing for triathlons.

Grays Lake - The Runway

On Tuesday February 17, 2009 the pilot of a small malfunctioning Cessna airplane needed a place to land. Grays Lake provided the ultimate wide and flat runway for the powerless plane. The pilot and his teen son were unharmed.

Picture taken by David Trotman-Wilkins / Chicago Tribune and published 2/18/2009 in

The bass are biting in Grays Lake this summer, but fishermen still must use their muscles - not motors - to get out to the fish.

Grayslake Review - June 27,1996

The Grays Lake Management Committee voted 5-0 last week to stick with an old village ordinance prohibiting motors from churning up the water.

The meeting transpired after resident and avid fisherman Charles Meltenberger asked the Village Board this spring to ease the motor restriction so he could better move across the 78-acre lake.

The committee, which supervises activity on Grays Lake, voted to stay in line with the 50-year-old-plus village ordinance.