January 11th, 2014 Meeting

Post date: Dec 17, 2013 1:14:19 AM

Join your friends and colleagues for the third meeting of the school year. Schools have been adding technology to the classroom currently and we need to devise ways to use them in physics. This month we will explore some of the options that could be used and participants can share their experiences. From digital lab report to video problem solving to electronic formative assessments, come find out how to integrate technology into physics.

Come share your experience and see what others are doing. The format for the meeting is to have a round-table of presenters to get started and then additional sharing from meeting participants.

Make a New Years resolution by attending GO4ST8 Physics and discussing and sharing physics education ideas with other physics teachers this January.

There is no cost to attend GO4ST8 Physics meetings; you do not have to RSVP. The basic premise of GO4ST8 Physics is for teachers to help teachers improve the teaching and learning of physics in Minnesota.

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