Reading Books

Interests \ Books

Books and Me

I've always been an avid reader, though admittedly I've been rather "time-poor" recently and haven't read as much as I'd like. I obviously have a pretty strong bias towards Horror and Sci-Fi but I'm happy to read a lot of other genres too.

I read a lot of non-fiction work as well but these days it's mainly Asperger's and child psychology related. I've reviewed a lot of those books (upwards of 60) on my Life with Asperger's blog.

I still have a huge collection of paperbacks at home but these days I get books as eBooks on Google Play or Amazon. I've also listened to a lot of books on audio, read a lot of graphic novels and even tried a few visual novels on various computing platforms.

Years ago when I did work experience in a library, there was a librarian who was very angry about "formula fiction" which included the Hardy Boys, Three Investigators and apparently, Doctor Who. I said that she couldn't be more wrong and that in any case, having a kid that read "some" books, regardless of the type of fiction, was better than having one who read none. With that in mind, the Doctor Who books are naturally one of my favourite series and I've read pretty much all of them ... several times over.

My Favourite Writers

My Favourite One-Off Books

  • Necroscope by Brian Lumley
  • Meg by Steve Alten
  • Doctor Who - Lungbarrow by Marc Platt
  • The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton