Scroll text on 4 seven-segment digits

The example use two main libraries: seven_segment.jal for code numbers and letters, and timer0_isr_interval.jal for multitasking simulation. The movie below does not illustrate the last version of the program, so, the "ghost" effect is still obvious. Maybe I'll update the movie some day...

The scrolled text is: "HELLO JOEP AND VASILE _ THIS USE Your LibrArY"

Click on image to zoom

Digit schematic (both digit select and segment select active on 0 logic). Also, on my board(EvB 4.3), the 8 LEDs are active on 0 logic (common anode) but on your board can be common cathode if you want.

Click on image to zoom

The free terminals of the LEDs and transistors are connected to Vcc. I don't know the values of resistors from transistors base and segments (are SMD on my board) but for LEDs you can have values between 330R and 470R. As you can see, no pin has remained free on the FreeJALduino board ([Analog 5] and [AREF] pins are not connected) so, dot segments are left unconnected.

The code:

-- Scroll text on 4 seven_segment digits using
-- FreeJALduino and EvB 4.3 boards.
-- Copyright Vasile Guta Ciucur
-- New BSD License
include freejalduino4
const bit seven_segment_common_anode = true
include seven_segment
include delay
const dword timer0_isr_rate = 1000 -- 1 kHz isr rate
const DELAY_SLOTS = 2 -- one timing for scroll speed and another
                      -- for blinking LED's
include timer0_isr_interval
-- The text displayed: "   HELLO JOEP AND VASILE _ THIS USE Your LibrArY   "
-- See "seven_segment.jal" library for corresponding codes
const byte text_string[] = { --27 is "Space" character
   27,27,27,19,14,21,21,0,27, --    HELLO
   28,0,14,23,27,             -- JOEP
   10,29,13,27,               -- And
   24,10,16,1,21,14,27,       -- UASILE
   32,27,                     -- _
   7,19,1,16,27,              -- THIS
   24,16,14,27,               -- USE
   4,22,26,18,27,             -- Your
   21,20,11,18,10,18,4,27,27,27} -- LibrArY
-- the sequence for LED's
const byte leds_sequence[] = {
   0,1,3,7,15,31,63,127,255,254,252,248,240,224,192,128,0,; complete sequence
   128,192,224,240,248,252,255,127,63,31,15,7,3,1}; and reverse
-- the buffer for the 4 digits - the data contained here is
-- permanently displayed on digits.
var byte digits_buffer[4]
-- indices
var byte ix_text
var byte ix_led
procedure PORTTEXT'put(byte in x) is
  var volatile bit x_0 at x:0
  var volatile bit x_1 at x:1
  var volatile bit x_2 at x:2
  var volatile bit x_3 at x:3
  var volatile bit x_4 at x:4
  var volatile bit x_5 at x:5
  var volatile bit x_6 at x:6
  D3 = x_0
  D4 = x_1
  D5 = x_2
  D6 = x_3
  D7 = x_4
  D8 = x_5
  D9 = x_6
end procedure
procedure show_digits is
  PORTTEXT = seven_from_digit(27)
  portA_low =  7 -- 0b0111, digits are selectable with a 0 logic on my board
  PORTTEXT = digits_buffer[3]
  PORTTEXT = seven_from_digit(27)
  portA_low = 11 -- 0b1011
  PORTTEXT = digits_buffer[2]
  PORTTEXT = seven_from_digit(27)
  portA_low = 13 -- 0b1101
  PORTTEXT = digits_buffer[1]
  PORTTEXT = seven_from_digit(27)
  portA_low = 14 -- 0b1110
  PORTTEXT = digits_buffer[0]
end procedure
procedure update_buffer(byte in id) is
  digits_buffer[3] = seven_from_digit(text_string[id])
  digits_buffer[2] = seven_from_digit(text_string[id + 1])
  digits_buffer[1] = seven_from_digit(text_string[id + 2])
  digits_buffer[0] = seven_from_digit(text_string[id + 3])
end procedure
procedure PORTLED'put(byte in x) is
  var volatile bit x_0 at x:0
  var volatile bit x_1 at x:1
  var volatile bit x_2 at x:2
  var volatile bit x_3 at x:3
  var volatile bit x_4 at x:4
  var volatile bit x_5 at x:5
  var volatile bit x_6 at x:6
  var volatile bit x_7 at x:7
  D0 = x_0
  D1 = x_1
  D2 = x_2
  D10 = x_3
  D11 = x_4
  D12 = x_5
  D13 = x_6
  D18 = x_7
end procedure
-- START = Ready, Steady, GO!
-- Initializations
timer0_isr_init() -- init timer0 isr
portA_direction = Output
portB_direction = Output
portC_direction = Output
-- digits OFF
portA_low = 0b1111
-- init index
ix_text = 0
ix_led = 0
-- fill the digits buffer
-- start LED sequence
PORTLED = leds_sequence[ix_led]
-- set scroll speed for text
set_delay(0, 300)
-- set scroll speed for LED's
set_delay(1, 100)
forever loop
  if check_delay(0) then
    ix_text = ix_text + 1
    if ix_text == 48 then
      ix_text = 0
    end if
    set_delay(0, 300)
  end if
  if check_delay(1) then
    ix_led = ix_led + 1
    if ix_led == 31 then
      ix_led = 0
    end if
    PORTLED = leds_sequence[ix_led]
    set_delay(1, 100)
  end if
end loop