Jaluino Cell - DIP version

Jaluino CELL (Sebastien Lelong found this name for the board) DIP version is one of the smallest member (the SMD version of it is even smaller) of Jaluino family. It come as a breadboard board, making it very easy to use for prototyping and also is cheaper to build. It is smaller than a Pinguino board and, as any breadboard board is a little superior than any shielded board, including Arduino. It is designed to be used with JALv2 and Jallib libraries but that won't stop you to transform it in a Pinguino like board.

It can't be seen in this photo but is a really small board, which fits very well in your palm (I will post my own board when will be ready)


The board is designed to be used on a breadboard board and it have:

  1. power LED (green)
  2. boot mode LED (red)
  3. reset button
  4. jumper for selecting the power source (USB or external)
  5. 2oMHz crystal, which is placed under the microcontroller (this is why you can't see it)
  6. all pins are exposed, except USB and oscillator pins.

Why I didn't included a regulator on board? As you know, I have an EvB4.3 board and when you use all peripherals from the board, then the regulator become VERY hot, even with a small cooling radiator. On such a small board, as is Jaluino CELL (btw, you really need to see the SMD variant which was designed by Vasile Surducan), a cooling radiator can easily cover entire board so, when you design a host application motherboard, you can include also a regulator with the required cooling radiator. It is the best option for (but not only) Jaluino CELL. For fast testing and little projects, the board have it's power from the USB cable.

Building it

Well, is easy to do it because is designed to be both single side and double side if you want. As a single side, can be made with toner transfer method but if is still hard for you, you can send the Eagle files to a PCB Fabrication House or you can buy it from someone which ordered them on Seeedstudio or whatever...

Using it

It can be used with any of FreeJALduino tutorials (from this site) and with any Pinguino 2550 tutorials.