
I created a JSynthLib WIKI and JSynthLib on FLOSSmanuals to help new developers in the process with Java and JSynthLib.

Both projects are still unfinished, the wiki is most complete, on FLOSSmanuals it's better ordered.

I also set up a wiki for Roland SPD-11 and one for Yamaha CS2x.

There's also a post on Linuxmusicians forum.

Below you find the latest source files of the Roland SPD-11 driver

I've also set up a git hub repository but still have to learn the routines of updating the files there. The latest sourcefiles are attached here (I think).

JSynthLib uses Groovy , an agile and dynamic language for Java (todo: check out how JSL uses Groovy, what does Groovy do?)

If you just want to test/use JSynthLib with the support for SPD-11 and CS2x I added,

download the file JSynthLibFreq3.jar . Here's a howto for the SPD-11.