
Normally, you can upgrade Arch by doing sudo pacman -Syu

but I got some errors because I'd built jack from source, not with abs.

[peter@hp-s3030]$ sudo pacman -R jack-audio-connection-kit arpage-svn aubio dssi fluidsynth freqtweak-x86_64 hydrogen lash lmms mplayer phasex-git qjackctl seq24 slv2 sooperlooper zynaddsubfx ardour-lv2 azr3-jack gjacktransport gnome-mplayer rosegarden gecko-mediaplayer

worked to remove the old jack (version 0.118.0-1)

[peter@hp-s3030]$ sudo pacman -S jack-audio-connection-kit aubio dssi fluidsynth hydrogen lmms mplayer qjackctl slv2 zynaddsubfx gnome-mplayer rosegarden gecko-mediaplayer

installed some of them back. The others will need more attention:

arpage-svn freqtweak-x86_64 phasex-git seq24 sooperlooper ardour-lv2 azr3-jack gjacktransport

Ladish and Lash also make some troubles here, becuase they're conflicting, and e.g. azr3-jack depends on Lash.

I rebuilt the Ladish package but first I altered the line nr 18 in its PKGBUILD file to enable LASH compatibility, like this:

./waf configure --prefix=/usr --enable-liblash

Anyway, it doesn't solve the problem of programs depending on lash.h to compile.

To get the latest Jack version: jack-audio-connection-kit-svn from the AUR.

but ... this brought me in a strange loop of required but conflicting dependency on ffado:

[peter@hp-s3030 jack-audio-connection-kit-svn]$ sudo pacman -U jack-audio-connection-kit-svn-3968-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

loading package data...

checking dependencies...

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)

:: jack-audio-connection-kit-svn: requires ffado

[peter@hp-s3030 jack-audio-connection-kit-svn]$ cd ../ffado/

[peter@hp-s3030 ffado]$ sudo pacman -U ffado-2.0.0-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

loading package data...

checking dependencies...

(1/1) checking for file conflicts [#####################] 100%

(1/1) installing ffado [#####################] 100%

Optional dependencies for ffado

pyqt: FFADO Mixer applet

[peter@hp-s3030 ffado]$ cd ../jack-audio-connection-kit-svn/

[peter@hp-s3030 jack-audio-connection-kit-svn]$ sudo pacman -U jack-audio-connection-kit-svn-3968-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

loading package data...

checking dependencies...

error: replacing packages with -U is not supported yet

error: you can replace packages manually using -Rd and -U

error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)

:: jack-audio-connection-kit-svn: conflicts with ffado

[peter@hp-s3030 jack-audio-connection-kit-svn]$ sudo pacman -Rd ffado

(1/1) removing ffado [#####################] 100%

[peter@hp-s3030 jack-audio-connection-kit-svn]$ sudo pacman -U jack-audio-connection-kit-svn-3968-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

loading package data...

checking dependencies...

error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)

:: jack-audio-connection-kit-svn: requires ffado

[peter@hp-s3030 jack-audio-connection-kit-svn]$

[peter@hp-s3030 jack-audio-connection-kit-svn]$

So I changed the PKGBUILD file's configure line, where I removed the --firewire option.

makepkg -f and sudo pacman -U jack-audio-connection-kit-svn-3968-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz now did the job.

**If you need firewire, you can also try remove 'ffado' from the conflicts line in the PKGBUILD file**

when i try to run ladish now, I get this error from qtractor:

jack protocol mismatch 8