

Have a look at the Beginner's guide, and you'll see this is no click and play install,

but it is IMHO a good way to get to know more about how things are set up.

I used the FTP ISOs x86_64 netinstall cd and installed Arch with gnome-session on my HP Pavilion Slimline yesterday.

[peter@hp-s3030 ~]$ uname -a

Linux hp-s3030 2.6.32-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Feb 9 15:12:10 CET 2010 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 4300 @ 1.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

Configure login and shutdown

Today was configuration day with the wiki pages start X at boot (I modified my .bash_profile to start X automatically) and autologin using mingetty .

Now when I push on the powerbutton, after about 50 seconds, I am logged in and get my graphical GNOME environment.

Then, to get an easy shortway to put the PC off with the sudo poweroff command from the terminal, I added a line to sudoers using visudo.

To have the option "Shut Down" in the System > Shut Down menu, I edited my ~/.xinitrc to use PolicyKit and added ck-launch-session before gnome-session, so the line now says exec ck-launch-session gnome-session.

If I want to edit the preferences regarding power management, I can use the System > Preferences > Power Management

link to open GNOME Power Manager.

Configure real-time

To get rid of the error "cannot lock down memory for RT thread (Cannot allocate memory)" in qjackctl's messages window,

I added these lines to /etc/security/limits.conf :

@audio - rtprio 99

@audio - memlock 512000

@audio - nice -19

and this line to /etc/pam.d/su :

session required

Installing additional software


To download and install scons, svn and boost, this is the command to enter in the terminal:

sudo pacman -S scons svn boost

Pacman replaces apt-get that I know from my experience with Debian based distro's.

Like Synaptic is a GUI frontend for apt-get in Debian, there are also GUI frontends for pacman.


Another difference is the AUR (Arch User Repository) where I can search and download a file named BUILDPKG for a program I want to have.

(a lot of these are made by hollunder, thanks hollunder!)

I've set up a map 'AUR' for this, where I add a new map with the name of the program when I save the BUILDPKG file for that program.

Then in the terminal I go to that directory and type makepkg to build the program as described in the BUILDPKG file.

To install: sudo pacman -U name-of-program_cpu-architecture.pkg.tar.gz


The Arch Build System is a system for building and packaging software from source code. Instead of doing the regular ./configure && make && sudo make install , these commands are written in a PKGBUILD file, and to build the source, you just do makepkg. Makepkg looks for the PKGBUILD file and makes a .pkg.tar.gz file that can be installed with pacman.

More info:

Arch Pro Audio

AUR User Guidelines

Arch Build System