Lizbeth Hernández-Landa

B. S. in Biology

Universidad Veracruzana, 2007

Ph.D. Student in Tropical Agroecosystems

Colegio de Postgraduados

Currently, I am a Ph.D. student in the program Tropical Agroecosystems. My objective is to analyze the population dynamics of Diaphorina citri in Central Veracruz. D. citri is a vector of Huanglongbing, a lethal disease of citrus. I was sampling adult populations of D. citri in orange jasmine shrubs and lime trees along a transect of towns and lime plots in Central Veracruz.

Population dynamics of D. citri in Murraya paniculata plants in Cuitláhuac, Veracruz (Hernandez-Landa et al. 2013).

Composite map showing the population density of D. citri as contour lines in the city of Cuitlahuac, Veracruz, at four sampling dates, number near the lines are the density values (Hernandez-Landa et al. 2013).

Here, I am preparing a yellow sticky trap to catch adults of Diaphorina citri.

I got a research grant from CONACYT for a stay at Texas A&M Agrilife Extension facilities in Weslaco, Texas for the first five months of 2015. There, I was working with Dr. Raul Villanueva, doing some experiments on predators of the potato and citrus psyllids. I also evaluated the effect of pesticides on coccinellids and we got a first record of a pentatomid pest in the Texas Valley.

Here, at the Agrilife Center, Texas, inspecting yellow traps, with Dr. Villanueva and doing field work.

In february 2015, I attended the Congress of Subtropical Plant Science, Agriculture and Environment in Weslaco and the International Research Conference on Huanglongbing at Orlando, Fla, where I made an oral presentation and displayed a poster.

Here I am attending the scientific meeting and congress.


Hernández-Landa L; López-Collado J; Osorio-Acosta F; Nava-Tablada ME. 2013. Dinámica espacio-temporal de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama ( Hemiptera: Psyllidae ) en Murraya paniculata ( L.) Jack en Cuitláhuac , Veracruz. Acta Zoologica Mexicana Nueva Serie. 29(2): 334–345.

Last update: July, 2015