Juan C. García González

B.S. in Agronomy

Instituto Tecnologico de Úrsulo Galván (2004)

M.Sc. student in Tropical Agroecosystems

Colegio de Postgraduados

My research work is oriented to analyze the factors affecting adult populations of spittle bugs, Aenolamia and Prosapia species. I sampled several sugarcane plots infested with this pests during 2014. I am analyzing how precipitation, temperature, weed coverage, insecticide applications and other factors influence the populations of spittle bugs. I am using a mixed model in R to assess these factors and to estimate the spatial disposition of adult and nymph populations.


Nymphs of spittle bugs in soil after removing litter and debris.

Yellow sticky trap with adults captured in sugarcane plots.

Here, I am counting adults captured in yellow sticky traps.

Populations of spittle bugs adults as affected by nymph populations at different sampling sites. Graphics generated with R and ggplot2.


López-Collado, J. y J.C. García-González. 2004. SUPRA: Programa de cómputo para generar superficies de respuesta. In: Avances en la investigación agrícola. INIFAP. Veracruz. ISBN 968-5580-42-1. Pp: 229-234

Last update: July 2015