Voice change in parkinsonism and its management


Voice gets commonly affected in patients with parkinsonism.

These patients have soft breathy monotone voice. This

voice is usually perceived by the patient as normal loudness.

This is usually caused by poor effort from the bellows mechanism (bradikinetic).

The chest wall and diaphragmatic movements are also poor. In addition

to this problem these patients also have inaccurate perception of their

personal speech effort.

These patients also have additional problems. They include:

1. vocal tremor

2. Poor articulation

3. Stuttering quality of speech

4. Difficulty in initiating speech

5. Swallowing difficulties

Major features contributing to voice disorders in these patients include:

1. Global scale down of neural drive to speech mechanism (bradykinesia)

2. Inaccurate sensory perception of self effort involved in vocalization. This

prevents the individual from accurately monitoring vocal output.

3. Difficulty with independently generating the correct effort to produce adequate


Indirect laryngoscopy:

Findings include:

1. Bowing of vocal folds

2. Slow vibration of vocal folds on phonation

3. Pooling of saliva

4. Decreased pharyngeal secretions

5. Diminished cough reflex and aspiration


Vocal fold augmentation / medialization procedures may improve loudness of sound

in these patients. For this improvement to occur sufficient respiratory drive

for phonation should exist. These laryngeal surgical procedures donot improve


Deep brain stimulation which is known to improve limb movements has no role

of speech improvement in these patients.

Lee Silverman Voice Therapy:

This programming helps in improving the speech in these patients. This programme

works by:

1. Improving the physical efforts of the patient

2. By resetting their sensory perception of their own vocal output.

3. Swallowing function also shows improvement in these patients

Concept of this therapy:

1. Increasing the amplitude of phonatory output (think loud, and speak loud)

2. Improving sensory perception of effort (think loud)

3. Administering treatment in high effort style

4. Administering treatment intensively (3-4 times a week 16 sessions in a month)

5. Quantifying all speech and voice output (sound meter)