
Find A Phone Number - U.S. Phone directory

Validate A Social Security Number

You can use these search engines to find anyone or verify social security numbers if you know an address, name, or number. Internet phonebooks use all the published white page phone listings in the U.S. to search. You can use the links below to verify the validity of a Social Security number, handy if you are an employer or granting credit and want to make sure the person is using a valid SSN. The state and year that the social security number was issued will be given to you after entering the number. If you are an employer and have an EIN number, you can verify a limited number of SSNs by calling the Social Security Administration from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. weekdays at 800-772-7270. And...If you need to find a map of any U.S. address by zip code or address try going to this page...


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