
Donor and Contributors - Southwest Florida Online™

We would like to express our appreciation to all of the many contributors, donors, clients, and advertisers who have made Southwest Florida Online™ possible since its beginnings many years ago. This is a listing of those who originally helped start Hendry and Glades county's first online information and news source in the 1990s with their financial support and encouragement.Without all of the encouragement and suggestions of the following people and organizations, this community website would not have become as successful as it is today. Growing from a few visitors daily to presently thousands of visits to some pages daily, we thank you all for your tremendous support. Thank you all for your contributions of time, money and equipment while we endeavored to develop this community asset.

Please support these organizations, businesses and individuals. And thank you all for your continuing sponsorship in making this the premier community web pages for Southwest Florida's residents and online visitors from all over the United States and the world. As some of the following client links go back 10 years or more, many may not be still working but we have left them as is for historical purposes.

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Donors, Sponsors, and Contributors

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