CAD Classes

The files at the links below are related to Dave Martin's Saturday Introductory and Advanced MicroStation classes at Rio Hondo Community College located in Whittier, California.

What is MicroStation?

MicroStation is a two and three dimensional computer aided design program used in the

mechanical, architectural, and civil design industries. If you live in Southern or Central California and wish to learn the most current

version of MicroStation, then this website is for you!

Please feel free to explore these pages.

There are documents, web links, and demonstration videos available for student use and anyone else interested in these classes. For free access to the Video Demo pages or if you have any questions about these classes please contact

Dave Martin at:

Bentley MicroStation

Viewing the Class Tutorial Videos:

If you are current student in ENGT 170, ENGT 280, ARCH 280, or NVOC 280 you may access the tutorial videos for free.

To access the videos please follow these steps:

  1. Set up a Google Account using a new or existing email address. This process only takes a few minutes and is free.

    1. Email the instructor/author at with "ENGT 170 Access" in the subject line.

  2. Wait for an email from me verifying your request. I will send you the link to access the tutorial videos for both classes.

  3. Sign in to the site using your Google Account email address.

  4. You will then be able to see the link Video and Lab Manual Access on the left side of the page. The demonstration videos are organized by class.

ENGT 170

MicroStation for Basic CADD Applications

ENGT 280

Advanced MicroStation for CADD & BIM Applications