SPINOZA. "Australia is among the world leaders for the following 14 climate criminal activities or parameters: (1) annual per capita greenhouse gas pollution, (2) live methanogenic livestock exports, (3) natural gas exports... (5) coal exports, (6) land clearing and deforestation... (13) climate change inaction, and (14) accessory to climate genocide”

Spinoza (evidently necessary pseudonym for an otherwise censored but expert Australian climate activist) on Australian complicity in climate crimes and climate genocide (2018): “Under the anti-science, anti-environment, anti-renewable energy, remorselessly neoliberal, pro-fossil fuels, pro-oil, pro-gas, effectively climate change denialist, IPCC Report-rejecting, pro-coal COALition Government, Australia is among the world leaders for the following 14 climate criminal activities or parameters: (1) annual per capita greenhouse gas pollution, (2) live methanogenic livestock exports, (3) natural gas exports, (4) recoverable shale gas reserves that can be accessed by hydraulic fracturing (fracking), (5) coal exports, (6) land clearing and deforestation, (7) speciescide – species extinction, (8) coral reef destruction, (9) whale killing and extinction threat through global warming, (10) terminal carbon pollution budget exceedance, (11) per capita carbon debt, (12) GHG generating iron ore exports, (13) climate change inaction, and (14) accessory to climate genocide” (Spinoza commenting on “Tim Flannery on climate catastrophe and his new book”, ABC Radio National, Late Night Live, 11 October 2018: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/tim-flannery/10361616 ).