HAMILTON, Clive. Comparing Jewish Holocaust deniers, climate change deniers & deniers of the coming climate holocaust

Dr Clive Hamilton AM is an economist, Professor of Public Ethics at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics (CAPPE) at the Australian National University (ANU), holds the Vice-Chancellor's Chair at Charles Sturt University, was the founder of the Australia Institute (a major progressive Australian think tank), and was Executive Director of the Australia Institute from1993-2008 (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clive_Hamilton ).

Dr Clive Hamilton comparing WW2 Jewish Holocaust deniers and climate change deniers (2009): “If the climate deniers were to succeed, and stopped the world responding to the mountain of evidence for human-induced global warming, then hundreds of millions of mostly impoverished people around the world would die from the effects of climate change. They will die from famine, flood and disease caused by our unwillingness to act. The Stern report provides some sobering estimates: an additional 30-200 million people at risk of hunger with warming of only 2-3°C; an additional 250-500 million at risk if temperatures rise above 3°C; some 70-80 million more Africans exposed to malaria; and an additional 1.5 billion exposed to dengue fever. Instead of dishonouring the deaths of six million in the past, climate deniers risk the lives of hundreds of millions in the future. Holocaust deniers are not responsible for the Holocaust, but climate deniers, if they were to succeed, would share responsibility for the enormous suffering caused by global warming. It is a ghastly calculus, yet it is worth making because the hundreds of millions of dead are not abstractions, mere chimera until they happen. We know with a high degree of certainty that if we do nothing they will die.” [1].

[1]. Clive Hamilton, “Hamilton: denying the coming climate holocaust”, Crikey, 16 November 2009: http://www.crikey.com.au/2009/11/16/hamilton-denying-the-coming-climate-holocaust/ .