INF538: Refresher in AI

The materials (PDFs, videos and code files) will progressively be available onto the Moodle page: please go to, sign-in with your Polytechnique login, and self-enroll to the modal.

Tips - how to come to the classroom: The room will be "Salle info 32" (level 0) for all sessions but friday (salle info 36).

You can download the "IP Paris Campus" App at In the app, click on the menu, then "carte du campus", in the search bar type "info" (you get "salles de cours informatique"). Click on the pink button "itinéraire" in the bottom. As a start place, I advise to come from the "Grand Hall".

Without the app, go to the "Grand Hall", walk along the "Bibliothèque" to reach a small "Starbucks" coffee machine. Facing the machine, follow "Laboratoires", then go down the stairs on your left, continue a bit below the stairs, the corridor to the "salles informatique" will be immediately on the right, with a point for badging in order to open the door..

About this course:

The aim of this course is to provide reminders on concepts that are fundamental in computer science. In particular we will browse theoretical and practical aspects of handling classical and advanced data structures. We will also highlight the space and time complexity of algorithms. 

"Amphis" (courses): 

Slides will be available to students as soon as possible. To get a little ahead, here are interesting short videos on data structures and algorithms: 

"Labs" (practicals):

The practicals will be performed with the C++ language, with and without STL (standard template library). Students are encouraged to do a self-refresh on C++ concepts before september (especially notions like pointers, dynamic memory, struct/class, methods) which we will use both in the courses and practicals. Here is a pretty easy-to-follow tutorial on C++: 

C++ coding can be perfomed either offline with Visual Studio Code or online onto (depending on requirements). NB: Visual Studio Code is installed on all machines in classrooms but can also be installed on your personnal laptop. If you plan to do so, you should install it before the first practical. Here are the VS Code installer, and the documentation to setup on Linux (gcc), Windows (gcc) or Mac OS.