Boughsprings. The route shown above is approx 5 miles. There are two extensions to this run if you want to increase the distance.

The route has been set up as a MapRun. This means you can record and compare your run in an overall set of results. See the MapRun page for details 

Mathern. The route shown above is approx 5 miles.

The route has also been set up as a MapRun.  See the MapRun page for details. 

Beachley. You can go out on the red route or back or both to extend. You can also extend the route by running the green section all the way to the slipway down to the Severn (SARA). 


3 Woods - This route is approx 5 miles,  staring with a loop of Barnett's Wood, crossing over both the Usk and Itton Roads to follow the path behind the race studs exiting at St Arvans and returning along the race course Rd.  There is the option of extending the run and return via Piercefield Park or  Wye valley walk to add an extra mile or so.  (The extensions won't pick up the Maprun points on the R/C road)

The route has also been set up as a MapRun.  See the MapRun page for details.    

St Pierre:
This main route (purple) is about 10.5k from the LC.  The shorter variant - shown in light blue has more road and is 9.3k.  It is also possible to 'escape' the route by cutting up the pink section to the bottom of Ticken Hill and return through Great Barnets Wood.  This very short version is 5.8k.
Take care to find the footpath into the field by the Spar and not the path into the housing. The run can be shortened by taking the footpath down Trap Hill into Great Barnets Woods. Extensions are possible in both woods.  In St Pierre Woods keep turning right when you meet the forest road and you should come to the car park.  Take care not to run past the stile at the bottom of Ticken Hill.

Coastal Path -The route roughly follows the coastal path down to the tunnel under the M48 and then onto Mathern. 

It can be cut short at any point either returning the way you came or cutting back through Bulwark. 

The route as drawn is 9 - 10 Km

Portcasseg -The route starts by crossing Piecefield Park exiting at the top right of the field, St Arvans end.  Run up the lane to Wyecliff carpark.  Turn left  and left again for the short route.   Long route: cross the gate and head up the stone track to Portcasseg farm,  turn left at the barn  and at the top of the hill you can either turn left and head back to the LC or head straight up the grass field to the TV aerials onto the road by the houses and down the lane and back to the LC