Antique furniture for sale

Late Baroque-style décor, original antique cupboard furniture

* At the end of the Baroque period, as a result of classicism, an increasing number of ancient Roman-Greek stylistic elements appeared in some of the period furniture, the basic forms of furniture are simplified, with rococo starting from time to time a little later, but parallel to it a new style unfolds from Baroque, the copf.

The approach of the copf style is basically Hungarian-based, our home-made pieces of furniture are certainly from German-speaking areas, we have taken their motifs, there is also a German word for copf. Louis Stil (16th Louis Style) is the majority of them. Most of the furniture from the Monarchy of the Burial Order II. It is from the time of Joseph's Empire, and the name of Emperor's style is widespread.

II. Joseph reigned until 1790, as the Emperor of the Habsburg Empire, in the age of the spread of the enlightenment's bourgeois values. The measures taken to reform the feudal system violated the interests of the Hungarian nobility, which is why the king of the hat was given the name. As the ruler himself, so Vienna began to embark on the process of bourgeoisie, which also influenced the forms of furniture of the age, so that the puritan cedar appeared. As before, in this case, samples were also presented in English and French styles, which were melted by the carpenters of Vienna according to the local taste. The work of the Viennese masters also influenced the furniture of our country, while the Hungarian, Austrian cupboard furniture did not show much difference.

Typical decorations are simple geometric patterns that are often intertwined, baroque arched pieces of furniture have disappeared, with simple lines and angular basics. Noble pieces have often been decorated with inlays, painted with the simplest designs. The early Baroque striking carvings with large arches fell back, they were only indicative, and they hardly rose from the plane of the furniture. Instead of decorative carvings, the carved carvings are easier to create and engraved carvings. Inlays, furniture designs, key tags, according to the classicist lines, follow simple geometric lines and patterns.

On several cupboards, the classicist furnitures and handles are decorated with ornate rococo style, rarely the result of faulty restoration, but the eclectic features of the original furniture.

Their raw materials are mostly noble garden walnuts, cherry, oak, pine wood, more puritanical.

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copf bútor, antik bútor
egyszerű antik bútor

Dutch style jewelery with few stylized baroque patterns

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Duplicate copf pattern (French classicist)

antik bútor
copf bútor

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