Promotion Syllabus

Judo, in common with activities such as karate, tae kwondo, etc, has a coloured belt system to show the level of skill that you have attained. In fact, this coloured belt system was invented by the founder of Judo, and the other activities have adopted it as a 'good idea' ! The coloured belts in Judo go in the following order:

    • white or red

    • yellow

    • orange

    • green

    • blue

    • brown

    • black

Juniors have three steps within each colour. This allows them to be promoted approximately twice a year. They have stripes on their cooured belt to show which level they have reached. Seniors go straight from one colour to the next. They follow the same syllabus as the juniors. A senior who trains once a week can expect to be promoted twice a year up to green belt, and then once a year afterwards. Promotion to and within the Dan grades (black belts) is more complex as there are two pathways - the competition route and the technical route. The former is usually faster, but dependent on winning contests and is only suited to the relatively young. For the older members the technical route is usually recommended. This takes a little longer, but the 'pass' level is well achievable. Anyone can get a black belt, with practice!

The Sho scheme for children under 8 is explained here: Sho scheme

For children in this age group the emphasis is on developing skills such as balance, coordination and body awareness. The Sho awards also link into the Junior scheme (from the age of 8) so they study the same throws and holds alongside their basic skills. They do a range of fun activities to develop and demonstrate these skills.

The Governing body syllabuses are available here:

We also have some simple illustrated booklets, produced in the club:

    • The syllabus for novice to 6th Mon is here: up to 6th Mon

    • Promotion to 7th to 18th Mon is here: 7-18th Mon

    • The Senior syllabus is here: Senior syllabus