
Burwell Judo Club

Left: The Club, circa 1980

Right: 25th Birthday, 2003

Burwell Judo Club was founded in 1978, and has been going strong ever since.

The Club has approximately 45 members at present, ranging from 5 years of age to mums and dads. We operate during school term times from the Gardiner Memorial Hall in the High Street, Burwell.

Judo is an inexpensive, safe, dynamic contact sport, which is suitable for boys and girls, men and women. It promotes:

    • Self confidence
    • Strength
    • Stamina
    • Self-discipline

Up to brown belt, the grades are awarded on the achievement of technical skills laid down in the syllabus. Examinations for these grades are carried out within the club. Promotion to and within the black belt grades normally requires a demonstration of contest skills as well.

Judo is also suitable for people with a range of disbilities, including visual impairment (to any degree), cerebral palsy, downs syndrome, autism, hearing impairment. The syllabus is adapted to take account of what the player can achieve.

For further details of the club, follow the links in the side bar.

To contact the club secretary: fjb4@tutor.open.ac.uk