Tours and Sales

Spring/Summer 2023

Specific Dates to be Announced

tours & sales: Tours are ongoing and have included busloads and carloads of gardening enthusiasts, as well as journalists and photographers from around the world. Tours are always guided with some written information. Specific tours in the Fragrant Tactile Garden for the visually challenged and others, is quite accessible and includes many resting areas. 

Investigating Scented Clematis

* Black Walnut Publications offer educational publications, a "gardening tip" newsletter. This year, two book launches feature:

* FRAGRANT TACTILE GARDENS - a sensory notion


* Canning and fresh Produce is seasonally available

*Plant and Seed Sales

* Herbs Exotic Seed and Seedling Sale : date to be announced

Seedlings as well as a unique collection of organic seeds and pods collected from around the world. Berry canes, occasional produce, as well as herbs and herb plants are for sale at various times throughout the summer. In late summer and early fall, unique canned produce as well as spectacular finished giant utilitarian gourds are for sale. Specialty sales for specific items are occasionally advertised.

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Summer Tour in Sensory Gardens

                            Master Gardeners Tour