14 - Dictionaries on-line

Here you are the lists of Vocabulary to study. Each unit contains the words we should learn in our learning process. You can download the paper and fulfill it with the help of a dictionary. Don't forget that we have free good dictionaries in the net. Aqui tens les llistes de vocabulari.

A cada unitat trobaràs les paraules que hem treballat i s'han d'estudiar. Si et costa organitzar-te aquest tipus de material pots descarregar-te el full i omplir-lo amb l'ajuda d'un diccionari. Recorda que a internet n'hi ha de molt bons.

Nr1 http://www.wordreference.com

Nr2 http://dictionary.cambridge.org

Nr3 http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/

Nr4 http://www.catalandictionary.org/dict/engcat/catSpeakers/full/main.htm

Nr5 http://www.infovisual.info/ (Visual Dictionnary)