Snow Emergency Routes

When a snow emergency is declared, we will notify local radio, TV and newspapers.

Snow Emergency routes have been posted to:

  • allow easier access for police ambulance and fire equipment

  • provide alternate traffic routes for emergencies

  • Please follow instructions for parking, using snow tires or chains, etc.

Please be patient. Our road crews will clear on a priority basis.

As police, fire or medical emergencies arise those roads take priority.

In the days after a major storm, Greenfields streets will be posted NO PARKING

on an alternate basis to allow heavy equipment to clear the snow away.

During a Snow Emergency alternate parking areas will be available at

Greenfields Fire Co. Social Hall on Boeing Avenue

and at the Wodenschiere C.C.

If you need special assistance please let us know.

Also, if you can provide help using your 4x4, ATV or snowmobile, let us know.

Snow Emergency Routes — List page from Classic Sites