
Three of the wheels were in quite reasonable condition with varied amounts of rust and pitting but would benefit with shot-blasting. The fourth wheel was badly corroded to a point that it was not salvageable. However, I managed to pick up a single J40 wheel on eBay for a reasonable price. The only difference was that the wheel had the bracket for the hub cap attached but this was soon removed and the spot welds ground down.

I had them shot blasted and powder coated in a nice post office red colour.

I could not locate a set of original tread pattern tyres but these were cheap. I can always fit another set at a later date.

I had planned to put new wheel studs in but the old ones cleaned up surprisingly nicley using a 0BA die.

The hub shown above is probably the worst for pitting but is not as bad as it looks.

Finally, as I had access to a small lathe, I made up a new set of wheel nuts using some brass hexagon bar.

I know I could have bought them from eBay but this was more fun and allowed me to dust off some old lathe skills.

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