
There are so many people that help out with this project. From today (30.08.11) I will make a list of people I like to thank. There is no way I will remeber all people from the past but here it goes.

MMartinka compiled MilkyTracker for me, Thank you so much :D works fantastic compiled with latest SDL from Yannick and Deadwood. Also a big thanks to them.

Sami was so kind to add a resolution to IntelGMA driver, that I need for running Janus-UAE. This res.. will fit Amiga games very well. Sami also done other work with the IntelGMA driver. Thank you

Neil that did WIFI possible with AROS have now made this possible useing external USB nic. This is great, cause now it is possible to get all kind of Computers online. Thank you

Altea was so kind to bring his ACER Aspire One and AspireOS to Amiganoid 2011. Here are some pictures:

Thank you

LukeJerry have ported BoingIconBar to AROS. This program launcher will for sure be included in AspireOS.

Thanks a lot

Cammy done the very nice Zune config. Thank you.

o1i is still working on Janus-UAE (Amiga 68k emulator) and have brought us a new version. It is now possible to use

AROS 68k. No more need for copyrighted roms :D Thanks

Shufflepuck did a nice wallpaper for AspireOS "High Voltage" with Amiga like Font in AspireOS logo. I liked it so much that I desided to change AspireOS logo. Thank you

Stefen (clusteruk) for making hd-audio, intelgma happen and to the coders. HD-audio driver Davy and IntelGMA Mschulz Thank you guys.

Olivier have been so kind to help out with more supported Def icons for AROS and AspireOS. Thank you.

This list is hard to keep updated with all things going on. With AspireOS update "Who Made Who" there are lots of people to thank.

Tremenills have started AROS paper cuts to make people report about bugs and already lots been fixed. As always Deadwood, Neil, Yannick, Sami and many more are involved. Ball000 have no added support in asl. requester so we can drag and drop files to it. kas1e is working hard to bring us new software and work close to developers to make AROS better. Serk did this great closed source Drup mashine port to AROS. Salass have fixed diskimage.device so working again. Thank you all.

Sami have done 3D driver for AspireOS, IntelGFX, thx a lot :)

Deadwood and Ball000 and others are fixing Wanderer and other parts of the system. Thank you.

Deadwood and Fab get a huge Thank you for bringing Odessey web-browser to AspireOS.

Thx to Elena, Shufflepuck and Ken Lester for their beautifull Icons.

Shufflepuck does all AspireOS wallpapers and the default theme. Thx a lot my friend.

Serk Thank you for compiling MilkyTracker again fixing some minor but important bugs.

Ball000 (Olivier) thank you a lot for helping out with AspireOS update tool and for fixing and adding some features to Boing Icon Bar. The AspireOS configuration tool you did at start is fantastic. Thank you for great help.

Yannick, thank you a lot for the dedicated software you are doing like "Zuneview" and Zunetools in general. Whd-menu is one fantastic, userfriendly application that I enjoy a lot. Many of the software inculded in AspireOS is from you. What is a OS without software, right!

Neil, thanks for your work on AROS all these years. You always been with us and never complained. You are the nicest developer I know about and also the best. The way you can fix things are amazing. A true computer genious. Truly appreciate everything you are doing.

I would appreciate if contact me at you feel you are left out. It is very hard to keep track of this list.