AspireOS Codename "Let there be rock"

Post date: 03.jan.2012 11:54:10

I hope by end of month there will be new AspireOS release called "Let there be rock".

As posted before, it will include new ISO. With the fantastic work from our Developers, the user experince is better than ever.

AspireOS will not be so restricted anymore (ACER aspire one etc.). AspireOS should with this release work with as much hardware as any alternative AROS Distribution or AROS night build does.

I still recommend ACER aspire one though, for troublefree operation.

There are simply so much happening and some changes to Wanderer break some old stuff. It is simply a need for a whole new ISO. All updates after that must be made from that ISO codename: Let There Be Rock. AspireOS codename: Back in Black will be no more.

Here is a little teaser.