History Committee

The Mark West Watershed, tributary to the Russian River, is rich with prehistoric and historic resources. The Alpine Valley History Committee, a joint project of the Alpine Club and the Friends of the Mark West Watershed, seeks to uncover and conserve this information for future generations.


For the next History Committee meeting date, location or directions contact Linda Sartor. Please also contact her if you are interested in joining the committee! We always welcome more assistance with gathering and compiling historic data.

Curated Data for Website -

Here you can see data that the History Committee has gathered and processed for public viewing. You are welcome to view, download, and share. Check back periodically for new material!

Have some historical information to share?

Please send any raw data to Linda Sartor. She will put any new information in this New Data Collected (Not Yet Processed for Website) folder. We would be thrilled if someone could volunteer to sort through the information. In the meanwhile, please feel free to look around at what some historians have shared!