Machine Vision

I made an Air Hockey Robot based on Jose Julio's previous work Air Hockey Robot.

The whole thing was made from scratch and the software (Arduino & C++) was totally rewritten as well.

I implemented the basic function of Takeo Igarashi's "Teddy" in Matlab, which converts a 2D closed curve to a 3D object. With my customized implementation, I can then streamline it to my own application.

The small project was written with OpenCV, with a customized FitEllipse function, and RANSAC algorithm.

This small project was to track the clay in the clay shooting videos. It was written with C++ and OpenCV.

Facial recognition algorithm on scanned 3D face data.

One of my PhD projects. The goal was to segment, as well as register ( align the images taken at different times ), white & grey matter of the MRI images, and finally reconstruct the brain 3D model.

Another project from my PhD study. The goal was to segment, register and track objects in a sequence of images/video.