Root canal treatment (Endodontics)

Root Canals

A root canal is a procedure that extracts decayed pulp from the central part of the tooth, reshapes the canal and replaces it with strengthening filler.

A cavity is the result of superficial decay of the enamel of the tooth. Left long enough, this decay can burrow into the deeper reaches of the tooth, causing extensive damage to tooth structure. When the damage goes beyond what can be treated with a filling, dentists can perform a root canal (or endodontics), preserving the tooth and retaining its original integrity; thereby, saving a tooth that in the past would have to have been pulled.


· A dental dam is used to isolate the tooth.

· The patient undergoes anesthesia.

· The tooth is opened to allow for removal of infected or dead dental pulp.

· The tooth is comprehensively cleaned, including any cracks and canals.

· With special tools, the doctor reshapes the canals.

· The tooth is filled again with cutting edge biocompatible filling material.

· A temporary covering is used to cover the access opening.

· Patients MUST see their regular dentist quickly for a permanent restoration of the tooth.

Root Canal Treatment (RCT) or Endodontics is a procedure that involves the filling of the core of the tooth (pulp) with an inert material.

Development of Caries

A = Normal Tooth

B = Beginning and advancement of caries

C = Deeply destroyed, carious tooth with gangrenous pulp and acute opical periodontitis, submucosal phase.

D = Deeply destroyed, carious tooth with gangrenous pulp and acute apical periodontitis, enostal phase.

Saving your Teeth with Root Canal Treatment

Your tooth is opened, then your root canal is cleaned and shaped

Cleaning and shaping your root canals : First, your dentist makes an opening in your tooth and removes any fillings and decay. Then your dentist removes unhealthy pulp with tiny, flexible, files. Using delicate, up-and-down motions, your dentist gently cleans and smoothens your canals to prepare them for the canal-filling materials.

Filling your root canals: After the pulp has been removed from your root canals and they have been smoothened, your root canals will be filled. Your dentist may fill the canals with tiny cone-shaped pieces of gutta-percha, a firm, rubber like material, or use another dental material. A sealer cement is used to seal the filling material into place.

A post supports your tooth

Restoring your Tooth After the inside of your tooth has been treated, the outside will be restored. To protect your tooth's underlying structures and give your tooth a healthy appearance, and if your tooth needs extra support, your dentist may remove some gutta-percha and insert a post before the filling and crown are applied.

    • A post, stainless steel or another metal, is sometimes cemented into your root canal to build up your tooth after root canal therapy.
      • A filling, usually silver or a tooth-colored dental material, may be used to fill the opening in the top of your tooth.
      • A crown, usually gold or porcelain, may be used to cover a tooth that has a large opening after root canal therapy.

The success rates for Root Canal Therapy have been reported to be as high as 95%. Root Canal is done in single sitting or multiple sittings depending on the tooth condition.