
Orthodontists are the dentists who focus on the practice of orthodontics. An orthodontist is typically required to complete an additional two to three years of post-dental school education before becoming a certified practitioner of orthodontics.

Why Straighten Crooked teeth and fix bad bites?

There are many Causes of crooked teeth and bad bites(malocclusions). Problems can arise from early loss of teeth, abnormal growth patterns, injuries, and hereditary factors, Habits such as finger and thumb-sucking, mouth-breathing and tongue-thrusting are also recognized as contributing to many orthodontic problems

what is the best age for treatment?

There are no hard and fast rules for the commencement of treatment because everyone is an individual. However, most orthodontists would prefer to see a patient for the first time at eight or nine years of age to consider the possibilities of intercepting any problems, Commonly, children are treated once the permanent(adult) teeth have erupted or are due to erupt, if the problem is essentially overcrowding of the teeth. There are however advantages to treating problems related to habits of facial bone imbalances at an earlier time.

Treatment of adults for orthodontic problems is markedly increasing. Although adults can definitely benefit from treatment, there are important differences when compared to adolescents. Adults are not growing, they have often had teeth extracted, and previous gum disease can complicate the treatment. Sometimes, jaw relationships may be severe enough to warrant combining orthodontics with surgical procedure.

Orthodontics Treatment types

  • Crowding
  • Deep overbite
    • Open bite
  • Overjet
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite
  • Spacing

Orthodontic Technologies and Techniques

During the last decade, the specialty of orthodontics has undergone a technological revolution. New materials and techniques are constantly being developed that can make braces less noticeable, improve patient comfort and, in some cases, reduce treatment time and help control costs. There are:

  • Direct Bracket Bonding
  • Titanium Archwire
  • Clear Brackets
  • Lingual Braces
  • Functional and Removable Appliances
  • Colorful Bands and Retainers

What is a Nightguard?

A nightguard, or night guard, is an appliance much like a retainer that people put in their mouths to protect their teeth while they are sleeping. This device is commonly used by people who suffer from bruxism, or excessive nighttime tooth grinding or clenching. This grinding and clenching puts pressure on the jaw, which can cause temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, severe headaches, ear pain, and neck pain as well as causing excessive wear to the teeth.

Thin, transparent, and horseshoe-shaped, dental nightguards are created from hard but moldable plastics. The nightguard fits over either the upper or the lower teeth, creating a cushion between them and absorbing the impact of the grinding or clenching. Nightguards can help reduce enamel damage, jaw joint inflammation, and irritation to the gums. Overall, most nightguard wearers report they have less pain and sleep better.

In order to be truly effective, nightguards need to be custom-made for each individual. It typically takes two dentist appointments to receive a nightguard. During the initial visit, the dentist takes a bite record and makes an impression of the patient's teeth. These will be used to create a customized nightguard that allows for proper teeth alignment. During the second appointment, the patient gives the nightguard a test run and the dentist makes any necessary adjustments.

Nightguards can lasts up to ten years if they are given proper care. Nightguards should always be rinsed just before and just after wearing, and they need to be brushed with a soft toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste or denture cleaner once a day. They should also be soaked in denture cleaner once a week to keep them clean and fresh.