Healthy Teeth A to Z

Edentulous: No teeth.

Endodontics: A department of dentistry involves diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental pulp (where the nerves and blood vessels inside the tooth).

Eruption: The process of the tooth appearing in the mouth.

Excision: The action of cutting something off.

Extruded: When a tooth may be pushed partially out of the socket.

Filling: A restoration places on a tooth to restore its function and appearance.

Flipper: A temporary denture to replace missing teeth during the waiting period for long term treatment.

Floss: A thread/tape goes in between teeth for cleaning.

Fluoride: A compound of fluorine (an element) which be put in different forms such as water, gels, rinses to strengthen up teeth.

Fluoride Treatment:Teeth treat with fluoride agents like gel or rinse. It helps to prevent tooth decay.

Fracture: When a cusp of a tooth becomes weakened, a fracture may result. It is possible for the crack to extend further into the root and damage to the pulp is commonplace.

Framework: A metal skeleton of a removable partial denture to support the false teeth and the plastic attachments.


The mildest form of gum disease




Stop bleeding.

Lingual: The side of the tooth towards the tongue.




The side of the tooth towards the middle of the jaw.

The last 3 upper and lower teeth on both side of the mouth.

A device to be worn in the mouth. Depends on the design of it, it prevents injury on teeth and/or jaw during teeth grinding or sport events.


A mouthguard which is worn at night time.

Scaling: The action of cleaning of teeth below the gum line.

Sealant: A thin layer of plastic-like material covers the grooves and pits on a tooth to prevent cavity.

Sedation: The use of medication to calm down a patient.

Space Maintainer: An appliance to maintain the space in between teeth.

Splint: An appliance or a material to prevent movement of a mobile part.

Tempromandibular Joint (TMJ):The joint that links two jaws.

Torus: An outgrowth on bone. It usually develops on the roof of the mouth or around the premolar area on the lower jaw.


A layer of tooth-colored material (can be porcelain, composite, or ceramics) attaches to the front of the tooth. It is usually for better outlook of the tooth.

Wisdom tooth:

The eighth (also the last tooth) tooth from the middle of the jaw.

Xerostomia: Dry mouth.