
  • Acacia Biodiversity Database Management System: an interactive data entry, querying, and editing system based on the ACACIA generic conceptual schema. It combines the automated use of scientific names and synonyms in a species checklist with user-friendly access to geographical data and common knowledge data (morphological descriptors, genomics, ecology, vernacular names, economic uses, structured notes and conservation status) about the species. All these data can be cross-indexed to a citation list. The design and standard permits rapid customization to suit any taxonomic group. The Acacia Biodiversity Database Management System is written in PHP with a MySQL database as the backend. The source code is available on SourceForge under the GNU General Public Licence 3.

  • Feronia: an open-source, cross-platform desktop tool for automatically populating ACACIA tables by harvesting data across several distributed sources (CoL, EOL, GBIF, NCBI, Wikipedia, Google Scholar), on the basis of a user-provided species checklist. Feronia is written in Python with MariaDB/Postgres/Firebird/SQLite backends. Currently under development.