POLYA, Gideon. Exposing the dimensions of the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide & Letter to MPs & media on Invasion Day, 26 January 2019

Dr Gideon Polya is a Melbourne-based humanitarian, scientist, academic, artist, and human rights and climate change activist (see: http://mwcnews.net/Gideon-Polya ).

Dr Gideon Polya on “Sorry” speech for the Stolen Generations (Indigenous children forcibly removed from their mothers) but with continuing Aboriginal Genocide (2008): “In the Indigenous Australian (Aboriginal) cultures “sorry business” connotes “mourning” (see: http://www.abc.net.au/message/proper/death.htm ). In an outstanding, historic and healing speech new Australian PM Kevin Rudd has said “Sorry” – however the horrible reality (IGNORED by lying, racist, holocaust-ignoring mainstream media) is that the Aboriginal Genocide is continuing (9,000 Indigenous excess deaths annually, 25 will have died avoidably on Australia’s historic Day of Apology to the Aboriginal Stolen Generations). A major omission in PM Rudd’s otherwise excellent speech was the history of the Aboriginal Genocide – indeed the world “genocide” was scrupulously avoided in the Apology proceedings. Permit me to fill you in. Indigenous Australians have evolved rich, highly-varied cultures over Australia over 60,000 years. In 1788 Australia was invaded and the Indigenous population dropped from about 1 million to 0.1 million over the next century through disempowerment, dispossession, deprivation, disease and massacre (the last massacres occurring in the 1920s). However in the 20th century, the Aboriginal Genocide largely continued due to egregious deprivation, “captive” labor (paid in flour, tea and sugar) and a racist policy of forced removal of children from their mothers (the so-called Stolen Generations). This shocking, large-scale, genocidal practice was only terminated in the 1970s.” [1].

Dr Gideon Polya on non-quantitated Government assertions of Aboriginal child sexual abuse (2007): “The racism and neglect of GOVERNMENTS have created these appalling conditions.

However to illustrate the sheer HYPOCRISY and DISHONESTY of the racist, Bush-ite Australian Government it is useful to examine the Northern Territory Child Sexual Abuse REALITY in a QUANTITATIVE way. There is no doubt from the shocking anecdotal accounts in the Report that from a QUALITATIVE perspective Aboriginal Child Sexual Abuse is occurring and must be urgently stopped. However the Report (p57) states that “it is not possible to accurately estimate the extent of child sexual abuse in the Northern Territory” and the only QUANTITATIVE estimate offered in the Report is that “70% of all female Aboriginal prisoners in New South Wales jails had suffered sexual abuse as Children” (Report, p5).

Importantly, the Report refers to studies in AMERICA indicating that 25% of females and 10% of males experience childhood sexual abuse (Finkelhor, D. (1994), Current information on the scope and nature of child sexual abuse”, Future of Children, 4(2), pp31-53) and in AUSTRALIA indicating that 34% of females and 16% of males experienced non-penetrative abuse with 12% females and 4% of males reporting penetrative child sexual abuse (Dunne, M.P., Purdie, D.M., Cook, M.D., Boyle, F.M. & Najman, J.M.(2003), Is child sexual abuse declining? Evidence from a population-based survey of men and women in Australia, Child Abuse & Neglect, vol. 27 (2), pp141-152).” [2].

Dr Gideon Polya on appalling avoidable mortality in the Aboriginal Community (2007): “My recent book “Body Count, Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007; complimentary copies sent to the ANU, National and Parliamentary Libraries and to some concerned non-Government Parliamentarians) estimates that the “annual death rate” (2003 figures) is 2.2% (for Aboriginal Australians) and 2.4% (for Aboriginal Australians in the Northern Territory) – as compared to 0.4% (what it should be for a comparable high birth rate society), 2.5% (for pre-drought sheep in paddocks of Australian sheep farms), 0.7% (for White Australians) and 1.7% (non-Arab Africa).

This is happening in one of the richest countries of the world because of deliberate and sustained neglect – Australian Aboriginal health services are funded at 50% of what they should be; many Australian Aborigines live in Third World conditions; the “annual under-5 infant death rate” is over 3 times higher for Aborigines than that for White Australians; 1 in 5 Australian Aborigines have diabetes (mostly type 2 diabetes) which has huge attendant problems such as cardiovascular complications, kidney problems and blindness; and the Australian Aboriginal life expectancy is 17 years less than that for White Australians.

The “annual AVOIDABLE death rate” (annual excess death rate) of Indigenous Australians is 2.2-0.4 = 1.8% as compared to 0% for New Zealand and for White Australia, 0.4% (South Asia), 0.5% (Occupied Iraq), 1.0% (non-Arab Africa) and 1.8% (Occupied Afghanistan).

1.8% per year of 460,000 times 11 years = about 90,000 Indigenous Australians have died avoidably under the Coalition Government.

The Indigenous infant death rate is over 3 times that of Australia as whole. The difference translates to 146 AVOIDABLE under-5 Indigenous infant deaths annually or 146 x 11 = about 1,600 AVOIDABLE under-5 year old Indigenous infant deaths under the Coalition Government.

The ultimate Child Abuse is the active and passive murder of Children.” [2].

Dr Gideon Polya on the huge avoidable mortality of Indigenous Australians (2007): “Australia was shocked last year by reports of violence and rape of women and children in Central Australia.

Since then, Australian politicians have had to face the task of being seen to be doing something to help lower Indigenous disadvantage while not actually providing the substantial funding required to remedy the situation.

But what is the situation?

It has become a widely known fact that Indigenous Australians have a life expectancy 17 years lower than that of the general population.

And report after report has shown that the fundamental needs of Indigenous Australians, in areas such as health, housing, education, policing and social security, has not been addressed by various governments.

But when you look at it in terms of annual avoidable mortality rates, the results should be enough to shock the nation into action.

Indigenous Australians have an annual mortality rate over 3 times higher than that of non-Indigenous Australians.

Thus they have an annual avoidable mortality rate of 1.7 percent.

This means that there are on average 7803 Aboriginal deaths each year that could have been avoided.

That is equal to almost three World Trade Centre attacks a year.

The annual mortality rate for Aboriginal people is also equal to that of sheep.

So why aren't we listening?

And why hasn't the government injected funding into an area that should be an international disgrace?


The lack of funding for Indigenous Australia is inescapably racist.

If that seems harsh - after all most white Australians would vigorously and genuinely deny being racist - we should appreciate a subtle but presently widespread variation of traditional racism, namely "politically correct racism" or "PC racism".

PC racism describes the conduct of people who proclaim non-racism and anti-racism but are nevertheless involved in actions that maintain racial inequity or otherwise impose unjustly upon people of other races.

Thus white Australia genuinely professes non-racism but utterly ignores the horrendous human consequences of its (continuing) involvement in US Asian wars since 1950 - 19 million avoidable Asian deaths in total and 2.3 million post-invasion avoidable deaths in the occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories alone.

PC racist white Australia is treating its Aboriginal and Muslim subjects appallingly while at the same time they are professing their noble love of both.” [3].

[1]. Gideon Polya, “Australian Aboriginal Genocide continues despite historic apology”, Countercurrents, 19 February 2009: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya190208.htm .

[2]. Gideon Polya, “Aboriginal genocide - Racist White Australian Child Abuse & Passive Mass Murder”, MWC News, 29 June 2007: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/15140/42/ .

[3]. Gideon Polya, “Body count: the awful truth”, National Indigenous Times, Issue 131, June 14, 2007: http://www.nit.com.au/news/story.aspx?id=11552 .

Letter to MPs, media and activists from Dr Gideon Polya on Invasion Day, 26 January 2019:

Dear fellow humanitarian,

Zionist-subverted, US lackey and covertly racist Australia is second only to America as a supporter of genocidal Apartheid Israel, and the National Days of all 3 colonizer states are anniversaries of the Start of the genocide of their Indigenous People. In contrast, 26 January is Indian Republic Day that commemorates replacement of colonial British rules by the adoption of the Indian Constitution on 26 January 1950, and a formal End to Britain’s 2-century Indian Holocaust and Indian Genocide (1,800 million Indian avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation, 1757-1947). Conversely, 26 January is also Australia Day but commemorates the British invasion of Australia on 26 January 1788 and the Start of the ongoing Australian Aboriginal Genocide (0.1 million violent deaths and 2 million avoidable deaths from deprivation, 1788-present - similar to the carnage of the Palestinian Genocide involving 2.3 million deaths from violence, 0.1 million, or from deprivation, 2.2 million, since the British invasion of Palestine in WW1).

Just imagine the outrage if Germany’s National Day were deliberately held on the anniversary of the Start of Kristallnacht (November 9 to November 10, 1938) when Nazi gangs in Germany burned synagogues and smashed windows in attacking Jewish homes, schools and businesses, and killed about 100 Jews (5-6 million Jews were killed by violence or imposed deprivation in the subsequent WW2 Jewish Holocaust).

Quantitatively, the British-imposed Indian Holocaust was the worst genocide in human history. However the Australian Aboriginal Genocide was the worst genocide ever from a qualitative perspective – of 350-750 Indigenous languages and dialects in 1788 only 150 survive and of these only 20 are not endangered. Racist White Australia celebrates Australia Day on Invasion Day, the anniversary of the Start of the ongoing Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide. Please inform everyone you can – peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity (see Gideon Polya, “26 January: Indian Republic Day (Freedom) Versus Australia Day (British Invasion & Aboriginal Genocide)”, Countercurrents, 26 January 2019: https://countercurrents.org/2019/01/26/26-january-indian-republic-day-freedom-versus-australia-day-british-invasion-aboriginal-genocide/ ).

Yours sincerely, Dr Gideon Polya, Melbourne, Australia.