Greedy, racist Oz ignores Indigenous Genocides & Terracide

Gideon Polya, “Greedy, Racist Oz ignores Indigenous Genocides & Terracide”, MWC News, 10 November 2007.

Greedy, Racist Oz ignores Genocide & Terracide

Australia’s “Seinfeld election” ignores Australia’s complicity in the Bush Asian Holocaust (5-8 million deaths), Indigenous (Aboriginal) genocide, Indigenous human rights denial, environmental vandalism, climate racism, climate criminal climate genocide and terracide.

Australia is in the last weeks of a Federal Election campaign in which the extreme right-wing, racist, war-mongering, war criminal, climate criminal, Liberal Party-National Party Coalition is opposed by a cowardly, unprincipled, poll-driven, right-wing, racist, war-mongering Australian Labor Party.

Former Labor leader Mark Latham (defeated in the 2004 Australian Federal Election after outrageous US intervention via its Ambassador Schieffer – “Schiefferbrains” to Latham) has called the election campaign "a Seinfeld election, a show about nothing". The 2 major parties are ignoring horrendous realities and trying to outdo each other in bribing voters – current obscene, economically irresponsible and ethically disgusting bribes presently total about $4,000 per voter and could top $5,000 before it is over.

In this election the new US Ambassador (complicit as a former tobacco company lawyer in 20,000 Australian deaths annually due to smoking) has made no public comment – this was left to the US President. The Bush Coalition was endorsed by the world’s #1 war criminal George Bush on his recent visit to Sydney, Australia for the APEC Meeting (a meeting he described, true to form, in his address as that of “OPEC” being held in “Austria”, thence compounding his stupidity with more knee-jerk falsehood, declaring that non-OPEC-member Australia has invited him to the next OPEC meeting).

Media lying ensures that major issues for which Australia merits International Sanctions, Boycotts and International Criminal Court arraignments are ignored (except for the Minor Party Greens and Democrats) in this Australian Federal Election campaign e.g. (for detailed discussion and documentation see MWC News: ):

    1. Aboriginal Genocide - 90,000 Indigenous Australians (Aboriginals, Aborigines) have died avoidably in the 11 years of racist Bush-ite Coalition Government; 9,000 die avoidably each year;

    2. Indigenous Rights denial – White Australia together with the US, Canada and the US united to vote against the recent UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People;

    3. Racial Discrimination against Indigenous Australians – both the major parties recently voted for legislation suspending the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act in relation to Northern Territory Aboriginals (annual death rate 2.4% as compared to 2.5% for Australian sheep);

    4. Climate Racism and Climate Genocide by climate criminal White Australia - Australia is one of the world’s worst per capita greenhouse gas polluters, is the world’s #1 coal exporter, together with Bush America won’t sign Kyoto, and the major parties have 2050 per capita carbon pollution targets that will make Australia’s 9 times that of China’s (the Bush Coalition) or 2 times that of China (Labor’s 2007 version of the racist Labor Immigration Minister’s 1947 declaration: “Two Wongs do not make a White”):

    5. Iraqi Genocide – post-invasion Iraqi violent and non-violent excess deaths total 2.0 million; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 0.6 million (largely due to Occupier war crimes); 4 million refugees;

    6. Afghan Genocide - post-invasion Iraqi violent and non-violent excess deaths total 3-6 million; post-invasion under-5 infant deaths total 2.2 million (largely due to Occupier war crimes); 3.7 million refugees;

    7. Holocaust denial, genocide denial, war crimes and other crimes against humanity – all of the above is ignored by “politically correct racist” (PC racist) White Australia.

The following letter was variously sent to Australian Mainstream media, politicians and others on 10 November, 2007 with the request to please publish or otherwise disseminate to everyone they can, pleading that we cannot walk by on the other side - The Silence has been Deafening:

Former Australian Labor Party Leader of the Opposition Mark Latham has correctly slammed both the governing Bush Coalition and the timid, poll-driven Labor Opposition for their conduct in the 2007 Australian Federal Election Campaign in calling it "a Seinfeld election, a show about nothing" and declaring that "The dominant ethos is greed, not generosity ... I expect a Labor administration to be even more timid, more conservative." (see: here )

This is most clearly seen in the Liberal-National Party Coalition and Labor (Lib-Lab) policy of “don’t mention the war” - advice actually offered by Mark Latham to the Labor Party in the very last paragraph of his 2005 book “The Latham Diaries”: “And, finally, stay away from Iraq – this is not a vote switching issue … We don’t have enough people in this country who believe in an independent foreign policy, that’s the truth if it.”

“The truth of it” as assessed from the latest medical literature, UN reports and UK ORB corporate research is that post-invasion, violent and non-violent excess deaths in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories now total 1.5-2.0 million and 3.2-6.0 million, respectively.

The cause of the horrendous non-violent deaths in the Occupied Iraqi and Afghan Territories is the war criminal Occupier violation of the Geneva Convention that demands that an Occupier provides life-sustaining food and medical requisites “to the fullest extent of the means available to it.”. The reality (from the World Health Organization) is that the “annual total per capita medical expenditure” permitted in Occupied Iraq by the US Coalition is $135 (2004) as compared to $19 (Occupied Afghanistan), $2,560 (UK), $3,123 (Australia) and $6,096 (the US) (see “United State Terrorism: 8 million deaths & Media Holocaust denial”: ).

Internationally, if not within racist White Australia, expert reports about the horrendous carnage of the Bush War on Terror (in reality a cowardly, racist War on Arab, Muslim, Asian and Non-European Women and Children) are penetrating the Mainstream media Wall of Silence. ”The truth of it” will out just as the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust (6 million dead) were revealed post-1945 by international media and war crimes trials. The lying, racist, holocaust-complicit, holocaust-ignoring, Mainstream media, politicians and voters of racist White Australia cannot hope to indefinitely evade international economic and judicial sanctions.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Gideon Polya

Macleod, Melbourn

White Australia comprehensively ignores its involvement in huge crimes against humanity. The only thing that really concerns about half the population is money. Accordingly, the only effective way the World can get White Australia to appreciate the consequences of its greedy, racist, disgusting actions is through money-related dealings.

Sanctions and Boycotts worked against the racist Apartheid régime in South Africa and should also be successful against the vastly more dangerous, PC racist, climate criminal, climate genocidal, climate racist, war-mongering, war-criminal, mass murdering, mass paedocidal, holocaust committing and denying, genocide committing and denying Racist White Australia.

Would you buy soap made in Auschwitz?