5 Phases

5 Phases (五行)

The 5 phases are the most fundamental fist "techniques" of xingyiquan.

Pi (劈) - "Chopping Fist"

The main practice in pi quan is to "rise and fall in one breath" (yi qi zhi qi luo, 一氣之起落). It's element is metal, and it's form is that of an axe chopping.

Beng (崩) - "Bursting Fist"

The main practice in beng quan is to "extend and contract in one breath" (yi qi zhi shen suo, 一氣之伸縮). It's element is wood, and it's form is that of an arrow shooting.

Zuan (鑽) - "Drilling Fist"

The main practice in zuan quan is to "overturn and drill in one breath" (yi qi zhai fan zuan, 一氣之翻鑽). It's element is water, and it's form is like lightening. It's action is like a geyser of water erupting.

Pao (炮) - "Cannon Fist"

The main practice in pao quan is to "open and close in one breath" (yi qi zhi kai he, 一氣之開合). It's element is fire, and it's form is that of a cannon firing.

Heng (橫) - "Crossing Fist"

The main practice in heng quan is to "overturn and cross in one breath" (yi qi zhi fan heng, 一氣之翻橫). It's element is earth, and it's form is like a small iron ball. It's action is like an iron ball rolling.