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Many people who join SFI get lost or overwhelmed because they try to make SFI much more complicated than it really is. If you want to make money in SFI, there are really just three things you must learn to do: 1 Refer TripleClicks Members Why refer TripleClicks members? Because the commissions you'll generate when they make purchases are big (up to 72% of CV). And for the work you do just once of signing up a member, you can keep earning those big commissions for years to come. Get started referring members using THESE 26 METHODS. Not yet familiar with TripleClicks? TripleClicks is SFI's international superstore and one of the fastest growing e-commerce sites on the Web today! TripleClicks currently features 26125 products and services to buy, sell, and trade--with hundreds of new items being added weekly. Check out TripleClicks HERE. Plug into S-Builder Co-op for quick and easy member referrals. Learn more. SFI also offers optional "Pay-Per-Action" bounties of up to $5.00 for each TripleClicks member sign-up you generate. For details, click HERE. 2 Sponsor Affiliates Like #1, every affiliate you sponsor can represent an ongoing income stream for you, because as their sponsor, you can earn a portion of everything they do (and also on multiple generations of affiliates that develop below them). Get started sponsoring affiliates using THESE 26 METHODS: Plug into S-Builder Co-op to start sponsoring affiliates quickly and easily. Learn more. SFI also offers optional "Pay-Per-Action" bounties of up to $11.00 for each SFI affiliate sign-up you generate. For details, click HERE. 3 Duplicate Sponsoring an affiliate doesn't stop when you sign them up. The whole point of sponsoring an affiliate is to "duplicate yourself." Indeed, this is THE most important part of your business! Hence, when you sign up a new affiliate, your goal is to see that they learn how to refer TripleClicks members and sponsor affiliates like you (including the duplication part). Do this and there's no limit to what you can earn! Note: To help you excel at duplication, SFI provides dozens of great resources. These include your Genealogy, Affiliate Manager, SFIM, My Movers, Affiliate Reassignment, TCredit Reassignment, a recognition forum, and more.