Winter Assembly Fun!

Join in on the activities below! We have Flipgrid and Frosty activities we would love to have you participate in!

Join our school-wide search for Frosty! Frosty the Snowman is a very jolly soul and he loves to play mischievous games of hide and seek around town. Help us find all the places Frosty has been. The grade that finds the most pictures of Frosty will win the challenge. This game requires a trait that we all have…TEAMWORK!!! This activity requires the whole Edgewood team, including staff, students, and Edgewood family members! Hopefully, we will see each other as we chase Frosty all around Edgewood this coming week and weekend.

How to play!

  1. Each child draws a picture of his or her own Frosty the snowman, and puts it on his/her front door by Tuesday, 12/15.

  2. Parents or caregivers download the GooseChase app (iOS or Android) and create a guest account.

  3. Search for the hunt and use the code below based on your child’s grade

    • Kindergarten - 4X68DV

    • 1st Grade - 3KQ7KP

    • 2nd Grade - WKQRKE

    • 3rd Grade - ZDP4D1

    • 4th Grade - X36Z3R

    • 5th Grade - 97567L

  4. Families find the Frosty pictures hanging on front doors all around the Edgewood area and capture them with their GooseChase app.

  5. Find and upload pictures of as many snowmen and other scavenger hunt items on the app as possible by Sunday, 12/20.

  6. The most scavenger items found and uploaded to the app by GRADE will win the challenge.

  7. Winning grade will be announced during the Frosty Assembly on Wednesday, 12/22!

  8. Take pictures of your family along the way!!

You can only download it onto your personal tablet or smartphone. It does not upload to the school devices.


What better to celebrate our upcoming Winter Assembly than with a SNOW DAY!

Take the time to play in the snow and share your creations with us.


  • Build a Frosty

  • Take a picture

  • Share!

    • Share your frosty on Seesaw with us: look out for a post from Mrs. Turner!