Art & Science across Italy

Naples, (IT), 13 February 2019

Leila Birolo gave a presentation at "Art & Science across Italy"

The interactions between chemistry, proteins and art were one of the subjects proposed to the Neapolitan secondary schools participating to the second editions of the project “Art & Science across Italy”, organized by the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare and by the CERN, and involving 97 secondary schools in 11 italian cities, for a total of 3800 students.

As a major event, on 13thFebruary , the Departments of the University Federico II presented to an audience of more than 500 students some inspiring topics, and Leila Birolo showed the closest and the hidden interactions between chemistry, proteins and art. Seminars in some secondary schools in Naples on the specific paleoproteomic subjects followed this wider event.

To read more about the project, please visit:


