About Me

My name is Jamie Turnage.

My teaching career began in January of 2005.

I began teaching in 2nd grade. The following year, I taught first grade and continued for four years.

After moving to Durham in 2009, I taught Kindergarten for two years at a Charter School. I taught just over 5 years at Pearsontown Year-Round Elementary School. There, I taught Kindergarten, 1st Grade, AIG and was an RtI Specialist. I have been teaching for 17 years.

Currently, I am the Digital Learning Coach at Hillsborough Elementary and I'm pretty sure I was BORN for this job! I LOVE IT!

My husband, Brad, and I have been married for 14 years. We have 3 dogs*: Sadie, Jersey, and Bailey. We love living in Durham and working with the youth at our church. (One of our sweet pups passed away last November).

I'm a graduate of Southern Wesleyan University in Central, SC. I have a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education with a concentration in Early Childhood Education and a minor in Youth Ministry. I also have a certification in Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Education from Duke University.

Our dogs: Jersey, Sadie, and Bailey Brad and me

We love to travel over my amazing intersession breaks.

Here we are in Ireland in 2013, France in 2015, Italy in 2017, and Portugal in 2019.