Academic Activities 

Graduation Requirements

28 credits are required for students to graduate from Northwood.  These credits include, at a minimum:

25 Hours of Community Service (9th grade to Graduation)

Job Shadow Experience - Must be completed between Junior and Senior year.  

Click here to view our Course Description Book for more details on courses and requirements

Communication with parents regarding 

Academic and Career Planning

Our schools communicate with families and community members through a variety of channels, such as email, newsletters, phone calls, and social media, to keep them informed about school events, academic progress, and important announcements. Schools also hold regular meetings and events, such as parent-teacher conferences and open houses, to provide opportunities for direct communication and engagement. 

The Northwood School District Counselor meets with students and their parents in grade 8 and 11 to discuss their academic and career plans. These conferences allow parents and students to identify student strengths and accomplishments and set goals for the future, which includes course planning at the 8th grade level.  Information from the student’s Xello portfolio is examined at both levels.  The Junior Conferences are specifically designed to prepare and/or strengthen a post-secondary plan for the student.  This includes: reviewing transcripts, credits, and test results, as well as discussing college visits and job shadow opportunities, application information on four-year, two-year, and technical colleges, financial aid information, and job-specific requirements.  Students and parents work together with the school counselor discuss future plans and what steps are needed for students to reach their goals.

Additionally, every spring we hold a Family and Community Night with Student-Led Conferences where students in grades K-12 share their learning with family members.  Students in grades 6-12 create a digital presentation which includes reflections on academics, Social-Emotional Learning, and Academic and Career Planning.