
BROADCAST:  May 1, 2024 - Wednesday

Labor Day: Honoring Hard Work and Contributions!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is   Jerry from class 701, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! Today, we're talking about Labor Day, a special day to celebrate the hard work of people all around the world!


Labor Day is a day when we recognize and appreciate the efforts of workers everywhere. It's a time to say thank you to people who work hard to make our lives better, like workers, doctors, firefighters, and many others!


Labor Day is important because it reminds us to appreciate the people who work hard to help us every day. It's a chance to show gratitude for their efforts and to remember that everyone's work is valuable and deserves respect.


Did you know that Labor Day is celebrated on different dates around the world? In Taiwan, it's celebrated on May 1st, while in some other countries, it's celebrated on different days!


Let’s have a short dialogue about Labor Day:


Why do we celebrate Labor Day? What's so special about it?


Well, it's important to remember that workers help make everything we have possible. They build our houses, teach us in school, and keep us safe. Labor Day is a way to say thank you for all the hard work they do!


Oh, I get it now! So, it's like a big thank you party for everyone who works hard?


Exactly! It's a day to celebrate and appreciate all the contributions that workers make to our lives.


That's cool! I'll make sure to thank my teacher and my parents for all their hard work today.


That's a great idea! Let's spread some gratitude and make everyone's Labor Day a little brighter!


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Ben.


Today is May 1st, 2024. The temperature will be from 21 to 26 Degree Celsius. There is a 50% chance of rain within the day.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Jerry, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  May 3, 2024 - Friday

Responsible Relationships and Family Planning:


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is  Jerry from class 701, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! Our school is supporting the healthy relationships and responsible family values and culture. Let's learn together how to build strong, happy families in the future! The school is known for its caring and supportive community? We believe in helping each other grow, both academically and emotionally.


Let’s have a short talk about responsible relationship for the future strong family.


Hey, can anyone tell me what a healthy relationship looks like?


It's when people treat each other with kindness and respect.


That’s true! Now, let's talk about why it's important to wait before getting into a romantic relationship."


It's important for boys and girls to wait until they're older before getting into romantic relationships. When we're young, we're still learning about ourselves and what we want in life. Rushing into a relationship can lead to confusion and misunderstandings.


Getting into an early intimate relationship can have negative consequences. It might distract us from our studies, cause emotional stress.


In the future, when we're ready to start our own families, it's crucial to be responsible.


This means choosing a partner who respects us, supports our goals, and shares our values.


Remember, boys and girls, it's okay to wait until we're older to explore romantic relationships.


Let's focus on being the best versions of ourselves and building bright futures ahead!


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Ben.


Today is May 3, 2024. The temperature will be from 23 to 27 degree Celsius. It is mostly clear day.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Jerry, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  May 6, 2024 - Monday

Let’s help to protect the Earth!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Rita from class 707, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! Today, we have an important topic to discuss about climate change. It's something happening all around the world, and we can all play a part in making a difference!


Let’s be part to help the environment. We'll learn about climate change and what we can do to protect our planet.


Did you know that small actions, like turning off lights when not in use or using less plastic, can help reduce our carbon footprint and protect the Earth?


Let’s have a short dialogue about climate change.


Today, we're talking about climate change. Can anyone tell me what that means?


It's when the Earth gets warmer because of pollution.


That's right! And do you know what we can do to help?


We can plant trees and recycle!


Let's learn more about how we can make a difference.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: We can start by reducing the amount of waste we produce. That means using less plastic and paper, and reusing things whenever we can. And don't forget to recycle what we can't reuse!


Save Energy: Turning off lights, TVs, and computers when we're not using them can save a lot of energy.


We can also use energy light bulbs and appliances to help the environment.


Plant Trees: Trees absorb carbon dioxide


We can plant trees in our schoolyard or participate in tree-planting events.


Spread Awareness: Tell your friends and family about climate change and what we can do to help. The more people know, the more we can work together to protect our planet.


Every little action counts, no matter how small!


Together, we can make a big difference in fighting climate change and preserving our beautiful Earth for future generations.


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Hannah.


Today is May 6, 2024. The temperature will be from 24 to 31degree Celsius. It is partly cloudy with possible thunderstorms.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This  is your anchor Rita, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  May 8, 2024 - Wednesday

Let’s be keep safe during an earthquake!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Joyce from class 709, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! because there are more earthquakes happening in Taiwan, we need to be extra careful. Let's learn what to do if we feel one and how to stay safe.


Our school is doing drills to practice what to do during an earthquake. We'll also talk about earthquake safety in our classes, so everyone knows what to do.


Did you know Taiwan has lots of earthquakes every year? It's important for us to know what to do if one happens.


Let’s have a short dialogue about on how to be safe during earthquake.


Earthquakes can happen here, so we need to be ready. Can anyone tell me what we should do if we feel one?


We should drop, cover, and hold on!


Right! And where should we go during an earthquake?


We should stay away from windows and big furniture.


If the ground shakes, drop down, cover your head under a strong table or desk, and hold on until it stops. This keeps you safe from things falling.


If you're in a building during an earthquake, stay inside. Move away from windows and tall furniture that could fall. Hide under strong things or sit against a wall.


It's okay to feel scared, but try to stay calm. Listen to teachers or elders and do what they say. Being calm helps keep us safe.

If you're outside during an earthquake, go to an open space away from buildings and trees.

When it stops, go to the meeting place and wait for instructions.


Remember, being ready helps us stay safe during an earthquake


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Howard.


Today is May 8, 2024. The temperature will be from 23 to 31 degree Celsius. It is partly cloudy with occasional showers or thunderstorms.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Joyce, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  May 10, 2024 - Friday

Mother’s Day Celebration


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Ernie, from class 710, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! As Mother's Day approaches, let's take a moment to think about all the love and care our moms give us every day.


From preparing for our food to helping with homework, moms do so much for us without asking for anything in return. Let's make this Mother's Day extra special by showing them how much we love and appreciate them.


Whether it's with a homemade card, a big hug, or a simple "thank you," let's make sure our moms feel loved and cherished on their special day!


Get ready to celebrate the amazing women in our lives who've made countless sacrifices for us!


Did you know that Mother's Day is celebrated worldwide, but on different dates? In many countries, it's celebrated on the second Sunday of May, just like we do here. It's a special day to honor and appreciate our moms and mother figures for all they do!


Let’s have a short English dialogue about Mother’s Day.


Hey, have you thought about what to do for Mother's Day?


Yeah, I'm planning to make a card for my mom and maybe help her with chores.


That's a great idea! I'm going to make breakfast in bed for my mom.


Oh, that's so sweet! Moms do so much for us; it's nice to do something special for them.


Totally! They work hard every day, so it's important to show them how much we love and appreciate them.


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Jerry.


Today is May 10, 2024. The temperature will be from 24 to 34 degree Celsius. It is partly cloudy.



You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Ernie, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  May 13, 2024 - Monday

Periodic Test Announcement


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Joyce from class 709, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! Your test is scheduled Tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday, May 14-15, 2024. It's time to put on our review and studies and get ready for some exciting learning!


Did you know that test or examinations help you understand how much you’ve learned during the school term? It's like a friendly challenge to show off all the awesome stuff you’ve learned!


Did you know that studying a little bit each day can help us remember more during the exam?


When you're studying, try to find a quiet place where you can focus without distractions. It's like creating your own superhero hideout for studying!


Let’s have a short English dialogue about taking a test.


Hey, do you know that our periodic exam will be tomorrow, May 14-15, Tuesday to Wednesday.


Yeah, I Know it! I'm a little nervous, but I'm also excited to show what I've learned.


Me too! I'm going to study hard so I can do my best on the exam.


That's a great idea! Let's help each other out and encourage each other to do our best.


We've got this!


Remember, the periodic test is our chance to shine and show how much we've grown this school year. Let's believe in ourselves, study hard, and give it our all! Passing the exam will not only make us proud but also set us up for success in our future studies. Together, we can do anything!


Let's cheer each other on and make this exam the best one yet. Good luck, everyone! We're rooting for you!


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Jerry.


Today is May 13, 2024. The temperature will be from 23 to 37 degree Celsius. It is partly cloudy.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Joyce, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  May 17, 2024 - Friday

Comprehensive Assessment for Grade 9 Students


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Vincent from class 710, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! The Comprehensive Assessment Program for Grade 9 Students will be held on May 18-19, 2024, Tomorrow Saturday and Sunday. This important exam will evaluate the knowledge and skills of all our Grade 9 students. Let's support and pray for our Grade 9 students as they prepare for this test.


This exam helps teachers understand how well students have learned and what areas need more focus. It’s a great way to prepare for future high school challenges.


Let’s have a short English Dialogue about these upcoming examinations.


Hi, class! I want to talk to you about a very important test coming up. Do you know what it's called?


Is it the Comprehensive Assessment for Grade 9 Students?


That's right! The Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students will be on May 18-19.


Exactly! This test will check your knowledge in all the subjects you’ve studied this year. It helps us understand what you know well and what we need to work on more.


How should we get ready for it?


Great question! Review your notes, do your homework, and ask questions if you don’t understand something. Also, make sure to get plenty of rest the night before the test.


It might be challenging, but remember, you’ve been learning and practicing all year. Believe in yourself and do your best. We’re all here to help you succeed!


Thanks! We’ll do our best!


I know you will! Let’s all work together and make sure we’re ready for the Comprehensive Assessment.


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Joyce.


Today is May 17, 2024. The temperature will be from 23 to 27 degree Celsius. It is partly clear weather.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Vincent, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  May 20, 2024 - Monday

Let’s Talk Some Amazing Things About Taiwan!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Vincent, from class 910, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! Today let’s talk about the rich history and amazing culture of Taiwan.


Did you know that Taiwan is known for its beautiful night markets where you can try delicious street food like stinky tofu, bubble tea, and beef noodles?


The highest mountain in Taiwan is Yushan, also known as Jade Mountain, which stands at 3,952 meters (12,966 feet).


Taiwan is a beautiful island nation in East Asia, known for its rich cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and colorful cities. Its capital, Taiwan, is home to many famous landmarks, including Taipei 101.


The island is also famous for its beauty, with many mountains.


Taiwan is home to the famous Taipei 101 skyscraper, which was once the tallest building in the world.


Let’s have a short Talk about Taiwan.


Today we’re going to learn about our wonderful place called Taiwan.


That’s right! Taiwan is an island nation located in East Asia. Does anyone know what the capital city of Taiwan is?


Taipei is the capital city, and it’s known for its tall building, Taipei 101. Can anyone tell me something Taiwan is famous for?


Have any of you tried bubble tea?


Bubble tea is one of the many tasty treats you can find in Taiwan’s night markets. Does anyone know what else you can see or do in Taiwan?


Taiwan has many beautiful mountains, including the highest one, Yushan, or Jade Mountain. People love to hike there.


I can’t wait for us to explore Taiwan together!


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Ryan.


Today is May 20, 2024. The temperature will be from 27 to 34 degree Celsius. It is mostly clear weather.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Vincent, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  May 22, 2024 - Wednesday

Saving Water, Saving Our Planet: Why Water Conservation Matters!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Ernie from class 710, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! With the hot season and drought happening around the world, it's more important than ever to save water.


Let's learn why water conservation is so important and how we can help!


Water is essential for life, but we only have a limited amount of it. When we use too much water, especially during hot season.


Saving water helps us make sure there's enough for everyone and protects our planet.


There are lots of easy ways we can save water every day. We can turn off the tap while brushing our teeth, take shorter showers when we take a bath.


Every drop count, and even small actions can make a big difference in conserving water!


Did you know that turning off the tap while brushing your teeth can save up to 200 gallons of water per month?


Let’s have a short dialogue on water conservation:


Why do we need to save water? Isn't there plenty of it?


Well, even though water covers most of the Earth, only a small amount of it is drinkable.


Oh, I didn't know that! How can I help save water?


There are lots of things you can do, like taking shorter showers and not letting the tap run when you're not using it. Every little action helps conserve water and protect our planet!


I'll start doing those things right away! Thanks for telling me.


No problem! Together, we can make a big difference in saving water and taking care of our environment.


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Jerry.


Today is May 22, 2024. The temperature will be from 27 to 34 degree Celsius. It is mostly clear weather.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Ernie, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you.