
BROADCAST:  April 01, 2024 - Monday

Let’s Be Ready For All Types of Season!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Angus from class 910, your news anchor.


Hello! Sometimes, Taiwan's weather can be tricky—it's hot one day, rainy the next! But don't worry, here are some tips to help you stay safe and healthy no matter what the weather brings:

1.      Dress Smart:

Wear light layers that you can easily add or remove depending on the weather. Bring a jacket or umbrella.

2.      Stay Hydrated:

Drink plenty of water, even on cooler or rainy days. Your body needs water to stay healthy.

3.      Wash Your Hands:

Whether it's raining or sunny, always wash your hands before eating and after using the restroom.

4.      Be Sun Safe:

When the sun is shining, protect your skin by wearing sunscreen and covering up with hats and sunglasses.

5.      Stay Dry:

If it's raining, use an umbrella or wear a raincoat to keep yourself dry.

6.      Have Fun Indoors:

On rainy or sunny days, enjoy indoor activities like reading, drawing, or playing games with your friends.

7.      Stay Positive:

Remember, even if the weather is unpredictable, you can still have a great day at school! Stay positive, stay safe, and enjoy learning with your classmates and teachers.

Keep these tips in mind, students, and you'll be ready to face any weather that comes your way!


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast.


Today is April 01, 2024. The temperature will be from 19 to 33 Degree Celsius. It’s mostly sunny.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Angus, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  April 03, 2024 - Wednesday

Tomb Sweeping Day!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Angus from class 910, your news anchor.


Hello! On April 4-5, 2024, Thursday and Friday,Taiwan celebrates the Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb Sweeping Day or Ancestors' Day. That’s why we don’t have classes tomorrow until Friday.

Let’s have some tips and ideas on how students can celebrate Tomb Sweeping Day  or Qingming Festival.

Visit Ancestors' Graves:

Visit the graves of your ancestors with their families. You can clean the gravesites, remove weeds, and clean the area as a sign of respect.

Learn Family History:

You can talk to your parents or grandparents about your family history

Create Ancestor Shrines:

You can create small ancestor shrines or altars with photos of your ancestors,

Write Ancestor Biographies:

You can research your ancestors and write short stories about their lives.

Plant Trees or Flowers:

You can participate in environmental activities such as planting trees or flowers in memory of your ancestors.

Cook Traditional Foods:

You can learn to cook traditional dishes associated with Tomb Sweeping Day, such as rice cakes and dumplings.

Create Artwork:

You can make an artwork such as paintings, drawings, or crafts.

By engaging in these activities, you can learn about the cultural significance of Tomb Sweeping Day and develop a deeper appreciation of your family history and heritage.


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast.


Today is April 03, 2024. The temperature will be from 23 to 34 Degree Celsius. It’s mostly sunny.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Angus, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  April 08, 2024 - Monday

Story Telling- The Ghost With Bloody Fingers


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is   Angus from class 910, your news anchor.


Hello! The school will participate in the Reader’s Theater, Story Telling and Speaking Activity on April 10, Wednesday, so today, we would like you to hear some of the parts of the story telling

(Recorded Voice: The Ghost With Bloody Fingers)


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast.


Today is April 08, 2024. The temperature will be from 19 to 29 Degree Celsius. There is a 30% chance of rain within the day.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Angus, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  April 10, 2024 - Wednesday

Readers Theater Competition: Song of Adarna Bird


Hello! The school will participate in the Reader’s Theater, Story Telling and Speaking Activity today, April 10, this afternoon.So , we would like you to hear some of the parts of the Reader’s Theater.

(Recorded Voice: The Song of Adarna Bird)


Today is April 10, 2024. The temperature will be from 19 to 29 Degree Celsius. There is a 40% chance of rain within the day.

BROADCAST:  April 12, 2024 - Friday

Minsyong Junior High School Book Fair!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Wilson from class 710, your news anchor.


Hello! Minsyong Junior High School Students! Our annual School Book Fair is just around the corner!  It was started last Monday and it will end today, April 12, so, what are you waiting for?


Get ready to explore a world of books! At the Book Fair, you'll find a wide range of exciting books for all ages and interests. Whether you love adventure, mystery, or fantasy, there's something for everyone.


Why is Reading Important?

Reading is like a superpower that helps our brains grow stronger and smarter. When we read, we can go on amazing adventures, learn about new places and people.


Let’s have some Reading Tips & Trivia:


Read Every Day: Just like exercising keeps your bodies healthy, reading keeps your minds sharp.


Visit Your Local Library: Libraries are treasure troves filled with books waiting to be discovered. Take a trip to your nearest library and see what adventures you can find.


Reading is Like Magic: When you open a book, you open your mind to endless possibilities. Let your imagination soar as you dive into the pages of a good book!


So get ready to dive into a world of imagination by visiting the School Book Fair! Don't miss out on this exciting experience to discover the joy of reading!


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Jerry from class 701.


Today is April 12, 2024. The temperature will be from 19 to 33 Degree Celsius. It’s mostly sunny.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Wilson, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  April 15, 2024 - Monday

Registration and Enrollment Open for Minsyong Junior High School Art, Music, and Dance Classes


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English dialogue. This is Wilson, from class 710, your news anchor.


Hello! Minsyong Junior High School has started to announce the registration for our dynamic Art, Music, and Dance classes! The Enrollment deadline will be on April 17, Wednesday.


Why Join?

The classes provide an amazing environment where you can explore your artistic talents and express yourself freely.


Develop New Skills: Whether you're passionate about painting, playing an instrument, or busting a move, our expert instructors will help you develop your skills.


Build Confidence: Through regular performances, practice, and showcases, you'll have to showcase your talents and build confidence on and off stage.


Improve Lifelong Friendships: Joining our arts classes isn't just about learning skills—it's also about connecting with like-minded peers who share your passion for creativity.


So what are you waiting for?


Please visit or call the Minsyong Junior High School office of Art, Music and Dance Classes for more details.


Don't miss out on this exciting experience to learn and join our amazing arts community! Enroll today and start on a journey of self-discovery through the power of art, music, and dance.


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast.To give the weather report here is Jerry from class 701.


Today is April 15, 2024. The temperature will be from 22 to 34 Degree Celsius. It is mostly sunny.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor, Wilson, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  April 17, 2024 - Wednesdsay

Let’s Be Ready For Hot Season!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is Wilson, from class 910, your news anchor.


Hello! Hot season is now coming, let’s be prepared and be healthy during this season. The temperature is getting higher everyday so we should stay healthy and happy during this season.


Let’s have some important things to know and do to stay healthy and happy during this hot season.


Stay Hydrated

When it's hot outside, our bodies need lots of water to stay cool. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.


Take Breaks

When you're playing outside in the heat, it's important to take breaks in the shade or indoors to cool down. Listen to your body and rest if you're feeling too hot or tired.


Eat Healthy

Enjoy delicious fruits like watermelon, strawberries, and grapes to keep yourself refreshed and hydrated.


Have Fun Safely

Whether you're swimming, biking, or playing in the park, always remember to be safe! Follow the rules and listen to adults to avoid accidents or getting hurt.


Stay Cool at Home

Use fans or air conditioning to stay cool indoors. If you don't have air conditioning, you can cool off by taking a refreshing shower or bath.


Be a Sun Smart Superhero

Remember these tips and share them with your friends and family to help everyone stay safe and healthy this summer!


Have a super cool hot season, students! Stay safe, have fun, and make lots of wonderful memories under the sunny Taiwanese sky!


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Jerry.


Today is April 17, 2024. The temperature will be from 23 to 33 Degree Celsius. It is mostly sunny.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Wilson, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  April 19, 2024 - Friday

Reach Goals with Hard Work and Big Dreams!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English dialogue. This is Wilson from class 710, your news anchor.


Hello! Our students are doing amazing things by working hard and dreaming big.


Some students are doing really well in school. They're getting top grades in tough subjects. They're showing everyone how to be great learners!


Besides school, our students are also shining in other things they love. They're winning music, art, and dance contests. They're also leading teams in sports and doing good thing in the community. They're showing how to be creative and helpful!


We're also celebrating people who used to go to our school and are now successful in their jobs. They're showing that if you work hard, you can reach your dreams, too!


I really want to be a doctor when I grow up, but sometimes it feels like too much. How do you stay focused on your dreams?


You can do it! Break your big dream into smaller steps. Like, spend some time every day learning about science and maybe help out at a hospital to learn more. It's all about taking little steps towards your big dream.


That sounds amazing! I'll work on it step by step.


And don't forget to ask for help if you need it. Teachers, friends, and family can help you along the way!


Thanks for the advice! I feel better already!


You're welcome! You're on your way to big things!


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Jerry.


Today is April 19, 2024. The temperature will be from 22 to 31 Degree Celsius. There is a 40% chance of rain within the day.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor, Wilson, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you.

BROADCAST:  April 22, 2024 -  Monday

Learn How to Stay Happy and Calm While Studying!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English dialogue. This is   Jerry from class 701, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! Some cool things are happening at Minsyong Junior High School to help you feel good and stay calm when you study!


Guess what? Some students have been learning new tricks to stay happy while they study. They're finding fun ways to learn, like drawing pictures or listening to music while they work. Learning doesn't have to be boring!


Studying can sometimes make us feel stressed, right? But some students are finding ways to relax and stay calm. They're taking short breaks, doing some deep breathing, or even going for a quick walk. It's all about staying chill!


Did you know that taking deep breaths can help you feel calm when you're stressed? Try it next time you're feeling worried about a test!


Let’s have a short dialogue on how to stay happy and calm while studying.


I get so stressed when I have to study for a test. How do you stay happy and calm?


I used to feel the same way, but now I do things to make studying more fun. Like, I turn my notes into a game or study with friends. It's way less stressful that way!


That sounds cool! I'll try that next time.


Yeah, and if you start to feel overwhelmed, just take a break and do something you enjoy for a few minutes. It helps me relax and then I can go back to studying with a clear mind.


Thanks for the tips! I feel better already.


No problem! We're all in this together, right?


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Vincent.


Today is April 22, 2024. The temperature will be from 15 to 30 Degree Celsius. There is a 50% chance of rain within the day.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Jerry, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, Smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  April 24, 2024 - Wednesday

Making Friends While Learning: How to Have Fun and Get Along


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is   Jerry from class 701, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! Let's talk about how to make studying more fun and how to be friends with everyone in class!


Guess what? Some students have been finding ways to make friends while they study. They share their notes, help each other with tough stuff, and even study together. Learning is way more fun when you do it with friends!


Studying can sometimes be noisy or distracting, but not anymore! Some students are learning how to study peacefully. They're being quiet when others are studying, sharing the space nicely, and being respectful. It's all about getting along and making studying a cool one!


Did you know that sharing your snacks or offering to help someone with their homework is a great way to make new friends?


Let’s have a short dialogue on making friends and studying peacefully.


I wish I had more friends to study with. How do you make friends in class?


It's easy! Just be nice to everyone, share your stuff, and ask if they want to study together. It's a great way to make new friends and learn together.


That sounds cool! But sometimes it's hard to study when everyone's being loud.


Yeah, I get that. But if we all agree to be quiet when someone's studying and take turns talking, it'll be much easier. Plus, we can help each other out if someone's stuck on something!


I like that idea! Let's give it a try.


Awesome! We'll have fun and get our work done in no time.


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Vincent.


Today is April 24, 2024. The temperature will be from 17 to 31 Degree Celsius. There is a 50% chance of rain within the day.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Jerry, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  April 26, 2024 - Friday

Learn How to Stay Happy and Calm While Studying!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is   Jerry from class 701, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! Let's talk about how to stop bullying in our classroom and what to do if it happens to you.


Be Kind, Stand Up We all know that bullying is not cool. Some students are learning how to be kind to each other and stand up against bullying. They tell a teacher if they see someone being mean and make sure everyone feels safe and happy in class.


Speak Up, Stay Safe If someone bullies you, don't be afraid to speak up! Tell a teacher, a parent, or another grown-up you trust. They'll help you feel safe and make sure the bullying stops.


Did you know that standing up for each other and being a good friend can help stop bullying?


Let’s have a short dialogue on dealing with Bullying:


I feel scared when someone is mean to me in class. What should I do?


Don't worry! If someone bullies you, tell a teacher or another grown-up right away. They'll help you and make sure it stops.


But what if I'm afraid to tell?


You can also talk to a friend or someone you trust. Remember, you're not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to help.


Thanks for helping me feel better. I'll tell someone if it happens again.


That's the spirit! We all deserve to feel safe and happy at school.


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Ryan.


Today is April 26, 2024. The temperature will be from 23 to 28 Degree Celsius. There is a 50% chance of rain within the day.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong Patrol. This is your anchor Jerry, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you. 

BROADCAST:  April 29, 2024 - Monday

Exploring Interests and Skills for Future Careers!


Good morning and welcome to Minsyong Junior High School. You are listening to Minsyong Patrol, now brings you the hottest two minutes school news, updates and English Dialogue. This is   Jerry from class 701, your news anchor.


Hello everyone! Let's talk about how to figure out what you love to do and how it can help you in your future job!


Did you know that everyone has things they're good at and things they love to do? Some students are discovering their interests by trying new activities, like drawing, playing sports, or helping others. It's all about finding what makes you happy!


Once you know what you love, you can start building skills for your future job.


Did you know that trying new things can help you discover what you're good at and what you enjoy doing?


Let’s have a short conversation on Planning for the Future.


I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. How do I figure it out?


It's easy! Try different things and see what you enjoy doing the most. Maybe you like helping people, or maybe you're really good at drawing. That could be a clue to your future job!


But how do I make sure I have a good career when I'm older?


You can start by doing your best in school and learning as much as you can. Also, don't be afraid to ask questions and try new things.


Thanks for the advice! I'm excited to see what I can do.


You're welcome! Just remember to follow your heart and work hard, and you'll go far.


You are still listening at Minsyong Patrol. Back to our broadcast. To give the weather report, here is Lily.


Today is April 29, 2024. The temperature will be from 21 to 26 Degree Celsius. There is a 50% chance of rain.


You have just heard the latest school updates brought to you by Minsyong    Patrol. This is your anchor Jerry, saying “Thank You” for being with us. Remember, smile and the world will smile back at you.