Clarinet Supplies

Instrument - Rent or buy it from a local music store. DON'T BUY ONE FROM AMAZON, EBAY, WALMART, COSTCO, ETC - THEY ARE TERRIBLE!

Mouthpiece: Vandoren B45 Traditional or Premier by Hite - Very important to get one of these. The mouthpiece that comes with a student-level clarinet is almost always terrible.

Rovner Dark Clarinet Ligature - A local music store will likely have something similar. I recommend a leather / fabric inverted ligature.

Mouthpiece Cushion: Vandoren or Rico. A local music store may have these brands or something similar.

Music stand - to use at home for daily practice. Don't get the cheap, flimsy folding metal music stands - they are garbage. Here are a few suggestions - music stand 1, music stand 2, music stand 3.  Your local music store will also have similar options.

Folder for storing sheet music - this could be a folder designed to hold music (a local music store may give you one for free) or just a regular pocket folder.

Instrument care kit: Conn Clarinet Care Kit or Giardinelli Clarinet Care Kit. A local music store will have something similar.

Clarinet Neck Strap (3 options): Pro-Tec Clarinet Neck Strap, Rico Clarinet Neck Strap, or Neotech Clarinet Neck Strap This is optional, but it can make holding the clarinet a lot easier. With a neck strap the weight of the clarinet is supported by the neck instead of having all the instrument's weight on the student's right thumb.

Extra Reeds: Rico reeds (#2 strength) or Vandoren reeds (#1.5 strength). I recommend buying 2 or 3 boxes.