About The Kerrisdale School PAC

Welcome to the Kerrisdale School PAC Website

Hello, and welcome to Kerrisdale Elementary and Annex Schools’ Parent Advisory Council, otherwise known as the Kerrisdale PAC!

What is the Kerrisdale School PAC?

PAC stands for Parent Advisory Council. The PAC’s purpose is to promote effective communication between students’ families and the school, to encourage parent/caregiver participation in educational activities, community-building events and decision-making; to strengthen the role of families in education and schooling; and to foster meaningful family engagement.

Who is on the PAC?

If you have a child who attends Kerrisdale (either the main school or the Annex), you are automatically a member of the PAC and are welcome to attend any general meeting (GM). See the ABOUT tab for meeting dates and times.

If you have any questions or concerns, or if want to volunteer (please do!), you can contact the Kerrisdale PAC at info@kerrisdaleschoolpac.ca.