Professional Development

Supporting our Teachers

Teachers who make teach students to make.

At the John F. Kennedy School, our goal is to faciliate teacher learning in a way that exposes our staff to the maker-way of knowing and supports their growth as educators. Over the past two years we have worked closely with the Lesley STEAM team to help our teachers plan and prepare lessons and units that incorporate the maker-mindset into their current curriculum. We have also hosted in-service professional development for our staff so that they can experience the technology and hands-on materials that are available for classroom use.

We also believe in the power of sharing ideas with our colleagues and make it a point throughout the year to provide a share-out space for teachers. To see some of the amazing work that has been completed by our staff, check out the presentations below.

Staff Intro
March 22 PD
April 6 PD
Nov 7: PD