Past Events


In May of 2017, the Kennedy School held its first ever "STEAM Week"! This was a week of events planned to support all students and teachers in STEAM, to create a community of Makers in the building, and to bring our vibrant community together with our school. We kicked off the week with an all-school assembly with a suprise visit from the Somerville Highschool Robotics Team! They had recently returned from the Robotics World Championship and brought their robot to demon for the students!

Throughout the week students participated in a variety of hands on activities (marshmallow challenge, cardboard kindness robots, and more). The cullminating event was our STEAM Career Fair! For this, over 20 local people from our community set up tables in our gymnasium to share their careers in STEAM with our students! Students had the opportunity to wander through tables, participate in hands on activities, and talk with professionals about their careers. It was definitely the highlight of the year!
