Zoom Meeting Tips

During Remote Learning days go to your grade levels daily lesson. If it is an asynchronous day, please independently complete the assignment. If the lesson is synchronous, click on the photo of Mrs. Barlow to join the Zoom call.

To temporarily unmute yourself during a Zoom call, hold down the spacebar.

Troubleshooting if the above does not work-- In the Zoom Desktop Client, click your profile picture then click Settings. Click the Audio tab. Check the option Press and hold SPACE key to temporarily unmute yourself.

By clicking Alt and the [ key at the same time, you can split your computer screen into two tabs. This shortcut allows you to be on the Zoom call and view another website at the same time.

Trouble shooting if the above does not work--click on the square next to the X in the upper right hand corner to turn maximize screen off.

Touchpad, Trackpad, Fingerpad....they are all the same thing! Click this video link to watch and get tips on how to get the most options out of yours.